Global strategies to compete in the international market

Today we will talk to you about the global strategies to access and compete in the international market , something essential for anyone who wants to expand their business outside the borders of their country.

Strategies to access the global market are essential, as well as understanding the functions and objectives of the stock market in the market , another aspect that helps in the expansion of our businesses.

Compete in the international market

Anyone who founds a company aims to grow exponentially and gradually expansion is the goal. Expanding means having higher profits and increasing the credibility and quality of a company. Without a doubt, the last step is international expansion .

In any case, if you want to compete in the international market, it will be necessary to take into account certain strategies for globalization. Therefore, below, we will discuss the basics to expand a business outside national borders.

Global strategies to compete in the international market

There are various strategies that we can use in order to interfere in the international market. In any case, there are four most common modalities to compete outside our nations.


If you want to expand your business abroad, without a doubt exporting is the first thing to consider. When we talk about export, we refer specifically to the process of shipping your products to another nation .

Today’s world is very permissive in relation to exports, where technologies such as the Internet are of vital importance . Indeed, today you can easily sell your products abroad. An example of this is the ability to easily create an online store on Blogger , recommended for small businesses looking to expand abroad.

Exporting is undoubtedly one of the most interesting global strategies to compete in the international market. It is also the easiest method with which you can expand your business to other nations.


A distributor could be considered as an extra jump for the sale of your products in other nations. In any case, distributors are considered an option mainly for companies that produce large quantities of products .

A distributor purchases the merchandise by obtaining ownership over it and will be responsible for distributing it in a destination nation or region . It has interesting advantages, since making use of distributors implies that we interact with trained people.

Usually the use of distributors has the negative aspect that the profits are usually lower . Either way, responsibilities are reduced, since the distributor is usually the one who is responsible for the products and customers in a destination nation.

Even so, before working with distributors it is necessary to know the relationship between  ‘market research’ and ‘marketing strategy’ and other highly relevant principles.

Commercial correspondents

Commercial correspondents also known as commercial agents will be in charge of implanting the products in a destination nation. It is a similar modality to that of the distributors, only that said agent belongs to the company.

This usually means that more fruitful business can be done for the company, but it is not the same as establishing the company in a nation. It could be said that it is another way to export products.


Expansion is arguably the ultimate goal if you plan to expand a business outside your home borders. Expansion entails the creation of international branches , this usually has considerable benefits for companies.

In the first place, establishing offices in other nations allows a more adequate distribution of products . In the same way, profits are usually increased, since everything is handled directly with company personnel.

In any case, expanding or establishing itself in a nation requires a great logistical work, for this reason aspects such as the importance of market research in the marketing strategy must be known. In turn, the investment required is substantially greater than that of the global strategies shown previously. For this reason, in most circumstances this modality is suitable mainly for large companies .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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