Fibers are essential substances for the well-being of our body. A distinction is made between soluble and insoluble in water. Both types of fiber bring multiple benefits , for this an adult should take about 30 g of fiber per day with a ratio of insoluble and soluble 3: 1. Specifically, soluble fibers are contained in legumes and fruit and help to reduce the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood . Instead, the insoluble fiber found in whole grains and vegetables helps to keep the body healthy. Discover the foods richest in fiber below.

1. Whole grains

Millet, spelled or rye: whatever your favorite whole grain cereal among the 12 existing varieties , it will certainly be rich in fiber. Whole grains never fail in a healthy diet because, thanks to their fiber content, they slow down the assimilation of sugars , regulate intestinal functions and satiate easily.

2. Legumes

From beans to chickpeas, passing through lentils. All varieties of legumes are very rich in fiber, on average around 15 g per 100 g. Not only fiber, legumes also recognize other nutrients such as the good content of potassium and iron.

3. Apples

Why does an apple a day keep the doctor away? Because it contains fiber in good quantities, about 4 grams, especially if consumed with the peel. It is perfect to be eaten as a snack and obviously in tasty desserts, as in a fragrant tart.

4. Pears

Together with apples, pears also contain many fibers that help intestinal transit and help keep the body healthy. Even in the case of pears, to ensure the right amount of fiber, it is advisable to consume these fruits with the peel.


5. Plums

The triad of fruits rich in fiber, after apples and pears, ends with plums which, especially if dried, are a powerful ally to fight constipation because they contain fiber and sorbitol, a natural sweetener that has incredible beneficial properties for the intestine .

6. Artichokes

Fortunately, there are also autumn varieties of the artichoke so it is possible to benefit from their fibers even with the arrival of the first colds. The fibers contained in artichokes are an important nourishment for the intestinal microflora.

7. Carrots

Perhaps not everyone knows that carrots are very rich in fibers that help intestinal regularity and that therefore they are valid allies against constipation. The value of carrots is also gastronomic, given their incredible versatility in the kitchen:.

8. Fennel

They are the vegetables par excellence of slimming diets not only because they are low in calories but also because, thanks to the fibers contained in them, they easily satiate and stimulate intestinal functions.

9. Celery

In addition to fennel, celery is also a vegetable recommended for those who must undertake a weight loss diet. It would not seem, but in the thin celery stalks are hidden real mines of vitamins, minerals and fibers that help keep the body healthy.

10. Cabbages

All varieties of cabbage, including cauliflower and broccoli, contain fiber in significant quantities. For this reason, cabbage is a real cure-all for those suffering from digestive and intestinal problems . A little trick to increase its benefits? Chew it very well.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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