Does female premature ejaculation exist? Learn all about early orgasm!

When we talk about female sexual dysfunction, we usually think about the absence of orgasm ( anorgasmia ) or difficulties in achieving it. However, although much less frequent, there are women whose problem is just the opposite: reaching orgasm extremely quickly .

In fact, female premature ejaculation affects a significant number of women. In today’s text, I will talk about this disorder and what can be done to help those who suffer from the problem.


  • What is female premature ejaculation ?;
  • It’s common?;
  • The study;
  • Consequences;
  • What causes female premature ejaculation?
  • What can be done to reduce the problem ?;
  • Forget the clitoris a little;
  • Talk to your doctor;
  • Do not waste time.

What is female premature ejaculation?

Female premature ejaculation occurs when the woman reaches orgasm very quickly during sexual intercourse.

Sometimes it can happen during foreplay or when the partner has just started penetration. While most people see this as a blessing, some women find that reaching orgasm too quickly can be boring.

It’s common?

It is not as common among women as it is among men. In a recent British sex survey, nearly 15% of men reported having suffered from the problem in the past year.

Given its high prevalence and the fact that it is often accompanied by feelings of anguish, male premature ejaculation has attracted a lot of clinical attention. In the same survey, only 2.3% of women reported having suffered from premature ejaculation in the past year. However, almost no attention was paid to the topic, except for a study published in 2011 in the journal Sexologies.

While premature ejaculation in men is a sexual dysfunction that appears in the US Mental Health Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, there is no mention of female premature ejaculation.

The study

In the journal’s study, the researchers interviewed 510 Portuguese women aged between 18 and 45 years.

Using a special questionnaire, the scientists asked the women to report whether they reached orgasm too soon and how often it happened.

To the researchers’ surprise, 40% of women reported at least one sexual episode in the past when they reached orgasm faster than desired and another 14% reported experiencing it with some frequency.

Another 3% experienced it so often that it could be considered a sexual dysfunction. Most women who had premature ejaculation found this to be distressing.



After reaching orgasm , some women tend to shut down during intercourse.

Their mood changes and they may not want any penetration and sexual attention from that moment. This, of course, has a direct effect on your partners who may feel dissatisfied or left out.

The feeling of guilt in a woman who suffers from female premature ejaculation can be the same as what men feel when they climax too early.

What causes female premature ejaculation?

In men, the lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin can be considered one of the causes of premature ejaculation. However, this may or may not be the case for women. Female premature ejaculation is often caused by the hypersensitivity of the female sexual organs .

Other factors that trigger female sexual dysfunction are: fluctuating levels of hormones, imbalance in the menstrual cycle, vascular or blood flow problems, or certain hormonal medications.

The fact is that there are few studies on female premature ejaculation, so it is difficult to determine what really causes this problem.

What can be done to lessen the problem?

Although no definitive cure has been found for the treatment of female premature ejaculation, I have separated some tips that can help lessen the problem:

Go slow

Having intense sex often results in a faster orgasm.

Therefore, slowing the pace of relationships a little can really help. If you are a woman who climaxes in foreplay, try to cut down on the time you spend on this step.

During foreplay, spend more time arousing your partner. However, this method is not easy for some people who see foreplay as the best part of the sexual experience.


As with men, masturbating before having sex can help delay a second orgasm.

Although some people find it less spontaneous to try to satisfy themselves first, the action can be useful to combat female premature ejaculation.

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Use creams

Some men use desensitizing cream to deal with premature ejaculation, as it decreases the sensitivity of the genitals. A woman who suffers from the problem can try to use this cream to have a similar result.


Use creams

Some men use desensitizing cream to deal with premature ejaculation, as it decreases the sensitivity of the genitals. A woman who suffers from the problem can try to use this cream to have a similar result.


It is possible to adapt some of the techniques used to treat premature ejaculation in men, such as the “start-stop” technique . It consists of interrupting sex when orgasm is about to happen.

Afterwards, the stimulation is resumed, but it stops again the next time the orgasm arises. This cycle of starting and stopping stimulation works as an orgasmic control in many men.


Another possibility may be the use of small doses of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). It is a common treatment for depression and has the side effect of delaying orgasm in men and women.

For most people, this side effect is usually undesirable – but it is not the case if you are intentionally trying to delay orgasm.


The Pompoir or Kegel exercises, also offers benefits to some men who suffer from premature ejaculation.

These exercises can also be promising in combating female premature ejaculation.

Forget the clitoris a little

If female premature ejaculation happens due to hypersensitivity in the genital areas (mainly in the clitoris), there are some simple solutions.

You can learn to use stimulation in another way so that you can extend the moment of orgasm a little more and, with it, the duration of the sexual encounter.

Try another type of stimulation

The clitoris is the area of ​​the woman’s body most related to orgasm, due to the sensory receptors of which it is composed. If stimulation is focused on this area almost from the beginning of sexual activity, you will reach orgasm faster.

How about your partner forgetting about your clitoris for a while and caressing your whole body?

Caresses all over the body are also exciting, but they certainly won’t lead to orgasm and will allow you to experience lower levels of arousal.

Try not to focus stimulation on the clitoris from the beginning. Even when stimulating the vulva, it can be interesting to pay attention to the areas furthest from the clitoris or its surroundings, avoiding stimulating it directly. In this way, you learn to dose stimulation for your benefit.

Talk to your doctor

Women who have premature female ejaculation are more likely to fall into depression, have sudden mood swings, and experience distress or neurosis in their daily lives.

This directly affects the couple’s life.

The feeling of guilt and insecurity for not acting correctly in bed can cause an insurmountable gap between the two.

When signs of these disorders appear, you must say it openly before it ends up becoming trauma. Premature female ejaculation should be treated in the same way as any other disease. Since it may have a psychological origin, it is best to consult with a trusted doctor.

Do not waste time

Female premature ejaculation is indeed real. If you suffer from this problem, talk openly with your partner and seek help.

The orgasm must be experienced without trauma or guilt, so if you are feeling dissatisfied with your sex life, you should try to solve the problem without wasting time.

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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