Is there any Fall Guys skill-based matchmaking?

Is Fall Guys matchmaking based on skills? It can sometimes take years to find a match of the new medium bean machine game, with spikes in difficulty and being lured against players who seem too good at times, leading some to wonder whether or not the game includes skill-based matchmaking. . Read on to find out if there is skill-based matchmaking in Fall Guys or if you get randomly involved with other players of all skill levels.

Does Fall Guys use skill-based matchmaking?

We don’t know we’re afraid. It is currently unknown whether Fall Guys uses skill-based matchmaking or not, although that doesn’t seem to be the case. Try as we might, we’re unable to find any details on whether or not the game uses a skill-based matchmaking technique. We do know for sure, however, that there is no ranked mode in the game at the time of writing. For now, there appears to be no Fall Guys skill-based matchmaking. Of course, this guide will be updated as new information comes to light.

It’s hard to know how Fall Guys finds opponents because you can’t see other players’ levels. The only way to know how good a player is or how high a level attained is based on the skin they are wearing. At the time of writing, we will be facing players without skins and players with skins that unlock more games. Again, though, it’s hard to know what another player’s skill level is in Fall Guys.

There may be some level of skill-based matchmaking at play in the game. You could play with players of a similar level as you and you will never know. In such a casual game when it comes to winners and losers like this, though, we’re not sure if that matters entirely. There is a lot of luck in Fall Guys, especially in the early rounds of the game.


by Abdullah Sam
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