essay on honesty

Honesty means being true to a person in all aspects of life. This includes not telling someone a lie, hurting someone through bad habits, activities or behavior. The honest person does not engage in activities that are morally wrong.

Honesty is not to break any rules and regulations, to be disciplined, to behave well, to speak truth, to be punctual and to help others honestly. Being honest helps a person to believe in all around, lots of happiness, blessings from the supreme power and many more things.

Being honest is actually very beneficial in real life. It is not something that one can buy or sell; This is a good habit that can only be attained through practice.

Essay on honesty, honesty essay in hindi (150 words)

Honesty is the component of moral character that develops good qualities including truth, kindness, discipline, integrity, etc. This includes the absence of lies, deceiving others, stealing and lack of other bad habits that hurt people. Honesty is really trustworthy, loyal and honest throughout life.

Honesty is very valuable and a good habit of great importance. There is a good saying by Benjamin Franklin that “honesty is the best policy”. Another quote from Thomas Jefferson is that “honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom”. Both have actually been said in the past by great people, but will be true forever in the future.

Integrity leads a person to an auspicious path that brings genuine happiness and joy. A person can be honest only when he follows honesty in various aspects such as honesty in speaking, honesty in the workplace, honesty in justice, honesty in behavior, and all the activities we do in our daily lives. Honesty makes a person free from all troubles and fearless.

Essay on honesty, essay on honesty in hindi (200 words)

Honesty is considered the best policy of life, but it is not so easy to develop or develop. One can develop it through practice but more patience and time is required. The following points prove why honesty is important:

Without honesty no one can build a trusting relationship with family, friends, teachers, etc. in any situation. Honesty instills trust in the relationship. No one can read someone’s mind but he can realize how honest a person is.

Honesty is a good habit that makes everyone happy and calm. Dishonesty never allowed a relationship to grow and caused a lot of problems. Lying hurts loved ones which creates a state of betrayal in the relationship. Being honest gives a happy face and fearless mind.

Telling the truth just because of some fear does not make a person truly honest. It is a good quality that assimilates people’s behavior forever. Truth always becomes painful but gives good and pleasant results.

Integrity is a power capable of eliminating corruption and resolving many social issues from society. Practicing honesty can be complicated and confusing at first although it makes one feel better and relaxed later. It makes any load feel comfortable and free.

It is a quality that can be developed anytime from early childhood to practice with the help of parents, grandparents, teachers and neighbors. Being honest in all aspects is very important as it contributes positively to the whole life.

Essay on honesty, essay on honesty in hindi (250 words)


Honesty is the quality of being honest, honest and honest throughout life. It is necessary for a person to be honest to himself as well as to others. Honesty brings in itself many good qualities and enables one to deal with any bad situation in life with full courage and confidence as to why it is called “honesty is the best policy”.

How a person honestly benefits:

The following points are proving the fact that honesty benefits a person. Honesty is a good habit that a person should achieve in order to get many benefits in life such as:

Honesty makes a person of good health and happiness. Being honest makes the mind free from anxiety, stress and the stress of being caught for the act of dishonesty. In this way, it keeps away from stressful life and many diseases (eg high blood pressure, fatigue, weakness, weak immune system, diabetes, etc.).

It helps in maintaining peace of mind. Honesty motivates a person to live without fear and free from all problems. However, dishonesty causes a person to lack mental peace and inner satisfaction. Integrity develops a positive attitude to make better decisions and improve quality of life.

Honest people are truly loved, trusted, respected and cared for in society and family. Their personal, working and corporate relationships become strong and trustworthy. Being honest promotes harmony and positive energy in body and mind.

Honesty helps to create a better place in the heart, family, society and nation of the people. It helps in building strong interpersonal relationships with positive people. It improves mental health and removes all negatives from the mind.

Honest people are easily attracted to them and influence others. It brings transparency in life, awakens the person’s true strengths and talents. An honest person easily realizes the divine purpose of his life and attains salvation. It remains close to religious responsibilities.


Dishonesty is not good, it can give a person an advantage in the beginning, but does not lead to good results. Unscrupulous people are a curse for society and nation because they ruin the entire system of society. The practice of honesty in life is always supported by all religions. Unscrupulous people can never be religious because they are not loyal to their religion. Honest people always become faithful and reliable in all aspects of their lives.

Essay on honesty, honesty essay in hindi (400 words)


Honesty is a term about which we are all very familiar but not used. There is no concrete way through which honesty can be tested but it can be realized to a great extent. Honesty is a quality that reflects people’s mind towards goodness. It brings stability and lots of happiness in life as it easily wins the trust of the people of the society.

What is honesty? (honesty meaning in hindi)

Honesty means being honest and honest to anyone in all aspects. It is the act of doing good by considering it to be universal good in any situation without force. Honesty is the way we do for others in good and selfless manners.

Some people only show honesty but in real life they are never honest and this is the wrong way to cheat innocent people. Honesty is actually a quality that manifests the good qualities of a person.

Role of honesty in life:

Honesty plays various important roles throughout life which can be seen very clearly with open eyes. It is said that an honest person is the best complement to that person by the people in the society. It is the real wealth a person earns in life that never ends.

Lack of honesty in society is now the biggest gap between people. This is due to lack of proper interpersonal relationship between parents-children and students-teachers. Honesty is not something that can be bought or sold. It can be developed gradually thus home and school is the best place for a child to develop good habits.

Home and school are a place where a child learns moral ethics. Thus, there should be some necessary strategy in the education system to keep a child close to morality. With the help of parents and teachers, children should be properly instructed since childhood to practice honesty at home and school.

The youth of any country are the future of that country, so they should be given better opportunities to develop moral character, so that they can lead their country in a better way. Honesty is the right solution to all human problems. Nowadays, everywhere, the number of honest people is decreasing due to corruption and various problems in the society. In such a fast and competitive environment, people have forgotten moral ethics.

It is necessary to rethink how everything is done in a natural way to bring back honesty in society.


People should realize the value of honesty for managing social and economic balance. It is very important for people to follow honesty because it is an essential requirement in modern times. It is a good habit that enables a person to solve and handle any difficult situation.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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