Essay on childhood


  • Childhood
  • What are the stages of childhood
  • Child protection goals in the Arab countries
  • What are the rights of the child
  • child’s rights in Islam

Childhood is one of the most important stages of individual development, especially since this stage is known as the stage in which the child grows rapidly and develops his skills, as it is considered a stage for acquiring information, getting to know life, and learning new skills, and the child in his early stages was not able to manage his affairs. Life, he can rely on his parents, especially since the mother is the child’s first breadwinner, and his protective shield from everything he faces in life.


Childhood is the most important stage of a person’s formation, at this stage the child’s cognitive circle is formed, and he acquires the most important skills, and has a personality. Therefore, every care must be taken to pay attention to that stage, and to develop children properly. But in reality the child needs more than that, he needs understanding and respect, he needs care and instillation of principles and values, and his role model must be good in order for him to grow up with good morals and religion, especially since there are rights for the child, one must look at them and know them so as not to oppress children Starch [1] .

What are the stages of childhood

Childhood was not a single stage, but rather several stages that every person goes through, each of them has its own characteristics and ways to deal with it, and each stage of the child’s development has a thought that requires dealing with it, as childhood in a person’s life is the longest stage he goes through. A person acquires skills, knowledge, information and principles in it that will last with him for life. Psychiatrists often resemble a person in his early stages a sponge capable of absorbing anything, unlike old age in which it is difficult to learn and acquire new things and skills, and the stages of childhood are divided into three stages: they are:

  • Early childhood: It starts from the age of one day to five years, which is a stage of recognition and acquiring life skills, in which the child gets to know things for the first time, through touch and hearing, so he always tries to catch and taste things even if they are not to eat, but they recognize things In this way, as he gradually begins to learn to speak and learn to walk in these years, everything is formed for him for the first time.
  • Late or next stage of childhood: It is a stage from the age of six to twelve years, in which the child begins to learn and form a group of friends, as the  rights of the child in education are not neglected, it is the right of all children to have the same opportunity in learning, in order to emerge from among them Doctors, engineers, media professionals, revolutionaries and free people, so that a normal, educated and conscious generation may grow up.
  • Adolescence stage: It is the last stage in childhood, where children begin to feel that they are responsible for themselves, not accepting that anyone imposes on them anything, and in fact it is the most difficult stage that a person goes through, and it is a burden on parents and is very disturbing, since dealing with children It must change and take a completely different form, leaving childhood to youth, and that stage ends with reaching adulthood, that is, the twenty-first year.

Child protection goals in the Arab countries

The Arab countries, on top of them the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, are concerned with protecting the child, as the true religion of Islam is a religion of tolerance and care, and it was recommended that children be nurtured and raised in religion and Sunnah, especially since childhood is one of the most important human stages, which require care, tenderness and great attention, and the following are the most important goals Child protection in the Arab world:

  • One of the most important goals of protecting the child is not to suffer any verbal, physical or moral harm, whether in school, the neighborhood in which he lives, or even from the home.
  • Familiarizing the child with his rights and duties, and children’s rights associations are interested in informing families of what they owe their children, and help prevent their rights from being violated or violated.
  • Child rights associations are always concerned with preserving safety and security for children, which is the most important thing a child needs in its early stages.
  • Work to monitor any information about child abuse, whether within the family or wherever the child goes, or in orphanages, etc., to reduce violence against children and deter all inappropriate behavior.
  • Helping children gain comfort and happiness in the environment in which they live, and curb oppression and injustice.
  • Implementation of the decisions of Islamic law and international obligations that provide for the care and protection of children, and the criminalization of any violent act issued against them.
  • Educating children at an early stage, knowing how to prevent harm, through the programs broadcasted and equipped by the media to serve this purpose.
  • Take all preventive measures in case children are harmed and punish those who commit inappropriate behavior towards any child.
  • The executive regulations of the Child Rights Association came to preserve all rights for him, which is summarized in the absence of physical harm, that is, not to be subjected to beating, physical harm, non-sexual abuse, by not subjecting the child, whether male or female, to any kind of sexual harm or harassment, and not to harm him psychologically. And not to be insulted or insulted. Rights also include not neglecting the child, that is, not neglecting his right or negligence in meeting his basic demands, and not exploiting the child under any reason.

What are the rights of the child

There is a set of rights that must be observed for any child, in order for him to grow up properly and properly, which are included in international conventions on the rights of the child, which are represented in [2] :

  1. The rights of the child in a sound education: through raising children on sound manners, introducing them to the teachings of religion, introducing them to the basics of social dealings, raising awareness of the importance of the relationship of kinship, forming social relationships, and making it integrate with society.
  2. The child’s right to education: It is the right of every child to have an ideal opportunity for education, as every human being must be able to read, write, and learn about all sciences, so that his ideas may develop and be an influential and conscious individual in society.
  3. Preserving children’s childhood, not being subjected to abuse of their innocence or exhausting their childhood, by criminalizing child labor under the legal age for work, and whoever accepts child labor, whether from the family or from the workplace, is punished by law.
  4. Protecting the child from physical or sexual harm: No child should be subjected to physical harm, by not hitting them and not exposing their small bodies to fear, terror and pain, and not exposing them to sexual harm by being subjected to harassment or rape. .
  5. The right of the child to live without racism or discrimination: The freedom of individuals must not be violated, and the child should not be bullied, and not be treated on the basis of race, color, gender or religion. All are equal in rights and duties, and everyone must respect the individual and his privacy [3] .
  6. Preserving all legal or civil rights: where the legal and civil rights of children are similar in all countries, which include giving the child a name and registering him in the state’s records, holding his nationality, the right to health care and vaccinations, and registering in state schools.
  7. Health care is one of the most important rights of the child to take into account his health, and not to leave a prey to diseases that bite him, and vaccinating children from potential diseases is important, and it is followed in all countries, especially since continuous detection is one of the most important things.

Many countries are interested in allocating parties and events to celebrate children, and one of the most important humanitarian gestures is the International Children’s Day, which was celebrated for the first time in 1954 with recommendations from the United Nations to make it a children’s holiday, celebrated by all countries in a way that suits them, in schools, orphanages, and all places Which takes care of children, and it is a special day by presenting celebrations, shows, and gifts for children.

child’s rights in Islam

Although all countries are concerned with the rights of the child, especially since there are associations specialized in the rights of the child, and taking care of him, the true Islamic religion is the first and most important concern for the rights of children, as the true Islamic religion came as a constitution that guarantees all rights and duties, which are represented in:

  • Educating the child: This is one of the most important rights for the child, as the Islamic religion obliges parents to strive to educate their children, and the most important thing that must be taught to the child is the Holy Qur’an, as it is the first teacher and the permanent constitution of life.
  • Inculcating principles and morals: As the Islamic Sharia came to guarantee the right of children to be educated in the ideals, in order not to be rejected and hated by society, the good morals that parents adopt are inherited by children.
  • The child’s right to play and have fun: Children’s freedoms to play and have fun should not be curbed, as Islam obliges parents to have fun with their children for the first seven years of their lives.
  • Equality and justice among children, where Islam is a religion of justice and mercy, and a religion of equality, where religion rejects racism, hatred and discrimination between children.
  • Child custody: The true religion of Islam granted children the right to live a normal life between their parents, and for every child to grow up in a normal and psychologically sound life.
  • Taking care of the orphan child and taking care of him: As the Islamic religion imposes all the rights for an orphan child to lead a normal life and to grow up in the care of Muslims without feeling inferior, by enjoying the rights of bail and affection.
  • Preserving children’s money: As the Islamic religion advises preserving the rights of the child in inheritance, and preserving it until adulthood and reaching the age of majority.
  • The debt guarantees the child the right to support from his father, and to breastfeed from his mother or from a breastfeeding mother if there is a crisis in breastfeeding from the mother.
  • The child’s right to prove his lineage: by making legal marriage the only legitimate means of conceiving children
by Abdullah Sam
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