Equilateral polygon

Equilateral polygon . In Geometry are those polygons that have all their sides equal.

It differs from the regular polygon equilateral polygons subclass in that they are convex and equilateral since they only require the equality of all sides, it can be the case of polygons with concavities that have all the equivalent sides, as is the case of stars regular .


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  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Properties
  • 3 Examples
  • 4 Sources


The definition comes from the Greek , where the term equilateral refers to equis = equal or later = side . A polygon whose sides are all the same length is an equilateral polygon .


Equilateral polygons are a superclass or superset of polygonal figures that includes concave and convex equilateral polygons, and within the latter, regular polygons.

It is important to indicate that these subdivisions exist in the case of regular and convex polygons, because although all regular polygons are convex equilateral, there are convex equilateral polygons such as the rhombus , which are not regular because they do not fulfill the characteristic of having all their equal interior angles too.

The perimeter of these figures would obviously be if it is known that it has n sides of length l :

  • n= nl

Characterizations of the surface cannot be said beforehand due to the great diversity of cases that the family of equilateral polygonal figures have, there are usually formulas specific to each situation or they are reduced to other figures from known areas.


by Abdullah Sam
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