
Enthusiasm comes from the late Latin enthusiasmus, although its most remote origin is in the Greek language. For the Greeks, enthusiasm meant “having a god within oneself.” Enthusiasm is a state of mind that is considered as exaltation or fervor in the face of an event or situation in life. When we speak of enthusiasm, we are hinting about an emotion that takes over our general state for one or more minutes.


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  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Other definitions
  • 3 Origin of the word
  • 4 Enthusiasm, a state of mind
  • 5 Synonyms
  • 6 Antonyms
  • 7 Sources


  • As a masculine noun. That which moves to carry out an action, promote a cause or develop a project. The vigor and vehemence with which those who are or seem inspired speak or write. It is commonly said of the fury or rapture of the fantasy of the poets. Individual or collective enthusiasm is the exaltation, the excitement of the human spirit that comes out of its thoughtful and calm state, generally moved by an unknown impulse towards the good or the beautiful.


  • I’m going to try to spark her enthusiasm for reading with a storybook.
  • Jorge lost his enthusiasm for the job since his salary was cut.
  • I am very excited about the journey we are about to undertake.

Other definitions

Enthusiasm can be understood as the engine of behavior. Who is enthusiastic about something, makes an effort in his work and exhibits a positive attitude since he has a goal to achieve. A worker will redouble his efforts if he knows that he can access a salary increase thanks to good performance; On the other hand, if you find that any effort will be in vain, you are likely to lose your enthusiasm.

Happiness and inner well-being are also associated with enthusiasm, which can arise naturally and spontaneously, without any concrete or specific reasons. During the happy and positive times of our lives, we tend to face our day with a spontaneous enthusiasm, which seems to be a trait of our personality. On the other hand, the moments of greatest emotional or economic difficulty tend to undermine the desire to fight, and in them is the key to getting ahead.

There are different ways of understanding the concept of enthusiasm, and to a large extent it is linked to vocation, in that it manifests in each individual in a particular and, many times, unpredictable way. There are those who believe that we are all born with a special talent, and that only some discover it; on the other hand, there is a theory that a lucky few come into this world with outstanding abilities, and that they always hear the call of vocation, even if they choose to ignore it.

Origin of the word

In ancient history it was said that an enthusiastic person was taken by a god and guided by the wisdom that he possessed and his strength, for these reasons, the person could change all the nature that surrounded him and make good things happen to him favored in his life.

Only people considered enthusiastic were able to face and overcome every challenge that was presented in their life and thus be able to solve them in the best possible way. These people were spoken of as the only ones who could advance in their life, because the ability to feel that enthusiasm allowed them to resolve one situation and continue with another, it meant being able to advance in life in the best way, overcoming every obstacle that was presented with the inner strength that they possessed thanks to those gods that took possession of them.

The term enthusiasm is one that is used to refer to an attitude or way of facing different situations in life. This attitude is characterized by a display of excessive interest or joy in something. Enthusiasm could be considered as an inner force that gives the person the feeling of wanting to do things, of being or feeling happy, motivated and inclined to do what is requested. In most cases, the enthusiasm of a person depends on the stimulus or incentive that he may receive, whether it is generated externally (for example, when a teacher enthuses his students to do a task) or also generated internally (by For example, when a person encourages himself to want to pursue higher goals).

Enthusiasm is considered one of the most positive emotions since it is not only related to the feeling of pleasure or to being at ease, but it is also linked to the idea of ​​feeling motivated, interested, committed to something to carry it out The best way possible. Enthusiasm is then felt as something internal that transmits strength to the person so that they can continue with their activities.

We can say that in today’s societies enthusiasm is a precious commodity since the constant anxiety or feeling of tiredness or discomfort that people often suffer from having to lead a hectic and hurried lifestyle prevents one from feeling so enthusiastic on a physical level as well as on an emotional level. In this sense, the idea of ​​enthusiasm has to do with getting out of a routine, doing something new and varying in order to discover or learn new things. The routine and tiring days then prevent someone from feeling enthusiastic.

In addition, the lack of enthusiasm also has to do with states of depression or reluctance since those who feel enthusiastic about something do so because they find positive options in what they see and put aside all the negative.

Enthusiasm, a state of mind

Enthusiasm is considered one of the most positive states of mind that a person can feel, since they are those moments in which everything seems to have a certain meaning and desire for something to happen. People ask themselves what they can do to carry out those actions that are making them feel that emotion. In this way you can also find other types of sensations such as pleasure and exaltation.

Some doctors affirm that the lack of enthusiasm in a person is produced by discomforts and conditions such as depression and stress, this would be generated by the lack of own desires and interest.

However, it is necessary to clarify that there is a difference between being excited and being happy. These two types of emotions are manifested in different ways, each person has their way of showing what they feel, so someone who does not show enthusiasm for something does not mean that they are suffering from depression or some kind of problem.

Many times enthusiasm is spoken of as a quality that a person can acquire, however, it is only an emotional state that can arise at any time and in any person in a certain situation, not everyone feels the same interest and motivation for same things.

For example, there may be two students at the same university studying the same career, one of them is enthusiastic about reaching all his goals and objectives to become that professional he longs for, while the other feels insecure for having taken the decision to study there, that takes away all chances of feeling excited about passing an exam or progressing as time passes.

It is said that enthusiasm is not produced by doing things well, but rather the opposite, enthusiasm is what makes us do things well. It is necessary for a person to believe in himself and in the strength he possesses to be able to specify everything that is proposed, it is the ability to transform everything that surrounds us and turn it into something positive for oneself.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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