Effects of game addiction on children

Effects of game addiction on children

Computer games have both positive and negative effects on children depending on the game and the time it takes to play. It will have both short-term and long-term effects.

The penalty of playing the game Lacking in fit

– In  education,  children will not go to school or late school because they take time to play games. Which resulted in poor academic performance Do not do homework Don’t read books Does not concentrate on learning, the brain is inertia, the end result in children not finishing school

–  Physical health Children become weary and thin due to their changing dietary habits. Like starvation Resulting in abdominal pain In some cases, obesity occurs because of inactivity or exercising. Irregular bedtime and waking up Often neglects health and cleanliness. In addition, it may make the child have eye problems. The eyeballs will become dry and tired from the glare that must be stared at the computer screen. Have headaches, back pain, pain in the wrist The sensation of the hand being shaken Because the nerves from the wrist to the hand are pressed for a long time from playing games for a long time, playing computer games can also cause the heart to beat faster. Increased blood pressure With the results of foreign studies that Cardiovascular responses to gaming Can predict blood pressure and hypertension disease. In the body of a game-addicted child, dopamine is stimulated. Which stimulates the nervous system Makes kids more fun than they just fit. Is very strong like using amphetamines

–  Mental health This makes it less likely to build relationships with others. Become alienated No social media, because they spend most of their time playing games. Causing children to have social fear behaviors Which will have symptoms of shutdown, not dealing with anyone and kept in the room alone Playing games all day, can’t sleep, can’t sleep Which will have a direct impact on the health of the child The fact that children play very violent games and spend too much time playing at a time can have negative emotional effects. Children are very aggressive and are more likely to overcome their anger, which may be caused by game imitations, especially fighting games. It will also make children become resistant and depressed if they do not play games.

–  Behavioral  problems, children lie, steal, hurt others. There was a problem within the family. Because children are addicted to the game until they do not obey their parents Or the child may steal or trick the parents into playing games. Causing the lack of family ties No time for each other Lack of understanding, anger at each other

How to prevent children from becoming addicted to games?

Preventing a stick ball problem Would be better than coming to fix it when the child is addicted to the game Building a protective shield to prevent your child from wasting time playing games can also help reduce problems, because preventing problems is better than having to sit and fix the problem later as follows.

  • Pay attention to the content of the game that is playful That it is appropriate or not Parents should also be involved in choosing games for their children by taking part in choosing and making decisions about buying or playing games.
  • Should go into the game with children as well. Because in addition to supervising the game content, we also observe the behavior and responses of children to various games. Can insert ideas Various comments The other side to the child in terms of accuracy More appropriateness in society and the real world Including the consequences that may arise from that action
  • Give advice to cultivate and let your children know the good and the bad Of playing games too much, such as lack of experience, lack of skill, or lack of activity in other areas Important and necessary for living in the future No time to review lessons Academic results may be lower. If playing for too long Eyes and eye muscles do not rest. Causes fatigue, eye strain and headache. Some people play too much of the game and become addicted to it, which leads to insufficient rest. Not eating on time This will have an impact on health and growth.
  • Should study the types of games, violence, age suitability and development of children at different ages. To help make the right choices for the child. Marks and descriptions will be displayed on the game packaging, marked by age criteria.
  • Set and control your child’s playtime, computer and internet clearly. And to prevent children from spending too much time on computer games May have to detail how many hours to play a day. How many days a week Some houses have a rule that they can only play on Saturday. Sunday only
  • Encourage children to take advantage of computer games in an educational sense, such as selecting age-appropriate game programs for them, such as programs for teaching subjects, educational games, or teaching English. Help your children find useful information on the website. In the internet
  • Find interesting complementary activities such as inviting your child to play sports Creating art, planting trees, cooking, reading books, excursions, parents must try to find fun activities to win over the fun that their children have from games.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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