
Ecotone . It is the zone of maximum interaction, and therefore with the greatest biological richness . The number of species is usually higher than in adjacent areas, which makes it a meeting place for living organisms.

On our planet there are multiple varieties, which are more interesting. In Africa , for example, we can find different ecotones within the same country, as happens in Chad or Sudan , that place of transition that is no man’s land and everyone’s. From the savannah that approaches the desert, or rather the other way around, to the tropical forest that disappears when it enters the tropical zone with a dry season. Only taking into account terrestrial ecosystems, since they also exist in aquatic ones.

In America there is also an infinite variety of ecotones that are distributed by the countries with the largest territorial extension. Thus, for example, in Brazil we come across a semi-arid tropical area that becomes a tropical desert in smaller areas. And the humid tropical zone in certain places ends up becoming semi-arid, due to the lack of rainfall, giving rise to a very different landscape.

In the rest of the continents such as Europe , Australia and Oceania , practically the same happens. In the coldest areas of the planet, a transition is also observed that in some localities is clearer and more defined, and in others it is not so much. The passage, for example, from the taiga or boreal forest to the tundra. Here the effect of height is the one that governs the entire ecosystem . The disappearance of the coniferous forest and the appearance of vegetation with low growth, highlighting mosses , lichens or scrub.


by Abdullah Sam
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