EA Sports UFC 4 Ground Attack Tips

In our EA Sports UFC 4 Ground Offense guide, we’ll walk you through all the Ground Offense-related tips and tricks that might come in handy when you step foot in the ring in this boxing thriller.

EA Sports UFC 4 Ground Attack Tips

With the following tips, you should be able to dominate opponents and fighters with ease in UFC4 and emerge victorious.

Permanent Takedowns
You can use the LT + X + Y keys to perform a Standing Takedown. As you perform this action, you may encounter resistance from your opponent which will lead you to enter the Takedown Drive.

While in Takedown Drive, use LSUP and LSDOWN to push your opponent in the direction you want.

If your opponent doesn’t hit LS in time, you’ll easily be able to knock him down.

Keep track of your grapple advantage when you are about to perform this action as this red / blue bar at the top of the round timer indicates your take down rate.

A greater grip advantage will allow you to perform a quick takedown and vice versa.

Grapple Assistant
Once your opponent is down, you need to take full advantage of the Grapple Assistant.

What happens is that once you have chosen a target in the Grapple Assistant HUD using the LS key, Grapple Assistant will select the best possible transition by itself to get you to your target.

With Grapple Assistant activated, LSUP for your nearest position, LSLEFT for your closest submission and LSRIGHT for your closest ground and pound position.

To get your best Ground and Botta * position, or the highest level presentation, hold LB.

In multiplayer, it’s best if you use Hybrid or Legacy Grapple HUD to minimize the predictability of your transitions and give your opponent an unnecessary edge.

Ground Position and Pound
To enter this position while on top of your opponent, tap LSRIGHT for Grapple Assistant and RSUP for Hybrid or Legacy Grapple HUD.

When you are in this position, keep changing your attack type and hit your opponent repeatedly, without giving him time to react.

Use the X and Y keys for the Straights and LB + X and Y for the Hooks.

Once you’ve found an opening for your opponent’s body, use LT + X or Y to punch his body.

This will decrease your opponent’s stamina and if most of your punches fall helpless, they will be penalized due to the reduced stamina and you will be able to transitions or send.

In the case of Grapple Assistant and Hybrid Grapple HUD, press RB + LSLEFT for submissions or RB + LSRIGHT for transitions while for Legacy Grapple HUD, use RB + RSALL for transitions.

To retire from Ground and Botta *, simply hold down RB + LSUP or RSUP.

To perform transitions, use LS for Grapple Assistant and RS for Hybrid or Grapple HUD.

As mentioned above, keep hitting your opponent repeatedly while in Ground and Botta * position, not allowing your opponent to pass.

This will increase your grip advantage and you will be able to transition fairly quickly. Your opponent won’t be able to stop you!

To move as fast as possible, you can use Momentum Transitions which combine multiple transitions at the same time, putting them at their best.

Such transitions can be very useful in dead end situations such as when you are in your opponent’s Rubber Guard.

For quick and effective transitions, along with a high grip advantage, make sure you have high stamina while on top of the opponent.

So unless you want your lackluster transitions to be negated by your opponent, don’t forget to keep track of them!


by Abdullah Sam
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