Dragon Ball Z chapter 127 – Analysis and curiosities

We’re here with a new Dragon Ball Z review ! As you know, last week we immersed ourselves fully in the androids saga and today it was our turn to analyze chapter 127 of the anime. Do we remember it together?

The previous chapter was closed in a really dramatic way , as one of the fearsome androids, Number 20 , caught Yamcha by surprise and pierced his chest with his hand, draining him of all the energy. But where are the other Z Warriors ?

Noticing Yamcha’s energy drastically fade, Goku and the others head to the scene, finding a bleak outlook. Yamcha is about to die at the hands of a terrible being.

Goku, Krillin, Piccolo and Ten Shin Han cannot believe their eyes, it is a daunting scene that is further enhanced by the explosions in the background and the especially brutal and forceful art. In addition, the soundtrack leaves the viewer totally dismayed, the seriousness of the moment is lived with greatness.

Already on the ground and totally unconscious, Goku orders Krillin to take Yamcha to the mountainous meeting point to give him a senzu seed, taking advantage of the fact that he has a breath of life left. And now that?

The rage that Goku feels is hard to describe, although the great animation and character design speak for themselves. Undoubtedly, the time for the final combat against the androids has arrived, so the saiyan tells them that it would be better for them to go to a deserted place and avoid more deaths. What do you think the android answers? Indeed, they do not have to move … Number 20 begins to destroy the entire city in order to leave it deserted!

This is too much! Goku cannot allow it and rushes at the android, hitting him with a punch that suffocates the enemy’s sieve. It is impressive to see that, under the cap of the Red Ribbon , the android has its brain exposed, protecting itself with a glass dome.

The tension is tinged with confusion when, right after, the android calls the saiyan Son Goku, and does the same with Ten Shin Han and Piccolo. He knows all their identities, and that they had not seen him in his life! What is happening?

Once recovered, Yamcha tries to explain the situation to Gohan and Krillin, but when they observe that Goku and the others move to another location to continue the fight, they go after them in order to throw a cable. Yamcha, despite the terror he feels within his being, accompanies them to warn them of the energy suction.

Back on the main plane, the androids decide to stop flying and choose a rocky area to fight. Piccolo realizes the plan of his enemies, because by not emitting any type of energy, they will be able to hide among the rocks if they are in a hurry during combat. These androids do not stitch without thread, especially when they explain why they know their identities …

It turns out that, after the defeat of the Red Ribbon, the army scientist genius, Dr. Gero , built a spy robot to store the data of Son Goku and all the fighting that he was waging throughout his life on Earth, from the 22nd Martial Arts Tournament until Vegeta’s defeat , in order to get revenge. With the age of the saiyan at that time, the doctor thought that it was not necessary to collect more data, because the improvement that he could develop in his body would not be very striking, so they were unconcerned when he traveled to Namek …

Needless to say, it was a huge mistake, because they could not collect the data of the Super Saiyan , the most powerful transformation of Son Goku that has made him the most powerful being in space. And to prove it, the saiyan brings out all his power, leaving Number 19 and 20 somewhat surprised. Will Goku be able to defeat them? Why do we see the saiyan so exhausted before combat? The one that comes to us…


1- During the explanation of the spy robot, we contemplate scenes from the first stage of the series redrawn with the art of this episode, resulting in spectacular artistic prints, such as this Son Goku child facing Piccolo Daimaoh .

2- The direction of the episode is a delight, we even observe how the screen blurs when we get in the first person with Yamcha, contemplating what his eyes see before losing consciousness. With this maneuver, the anguish that is scary is transmitted.

3- Special mention for the blood, which although it was restrained in the previous episode, here we see it in style, highlighting the harshness of Yamcha’s scene with great detail.

4- And to top it off, the auras of ki and explosions are really well represented in this chapter, the result, once again, of the great artistic quality of the chapter, a real standout.

Wow, what a piece of an episode! Did you remember it like that or have you been surprised by some of the details that we have exposed in the analysis?

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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