difference between ‘interspecific competition’ and ‘intraspecific competition

In the animal world, survival is essential, wherever it may be, different species fight every day against the different dangers that they can face in their environment. Dangers that can surprise you at any time without warning.

Therefore, they seek the most suitable way to cope with the path that will bring them regardless of the area in which they are. For each of these groups, their needs are vital to living, so they need to adapt to their environment, yes or yes.

Each of these certain species have their own qualities and characteristics , an example of this are giraffes, which thanks to their high necks can look for fruits from places and large trees without any problem or inconvenience.

Another curious example is the turtles, which thanks to their strong shell in case they feel threatened they can protect themselves and hide from their predators within their own carcass or frame thus avoiding any kind of fatal damage.

The qualities of each living being are the characteristics that make it different from the others and in turn have different objectives to survive. On the other hand, as we said before, these species are constantly in a struggle to survive, battling specific areas, resources, places, food, water, light, among other needs against other species that in the same way have the same goal, to adapt. or die, simply survival of the fittest.

These struggles at a certain point can be classified as competitions , they represent life and death in many of these species, or on the other hand, having very few probabilities and facilities to adapt to the place in which they are living.

In the presence of limited resources, competition between species is more than safe, it is simply mandatory for either of the two.

Just as competencies can be found in the economy, there are also competencies in the animal world, clearly in different fields and very different aspects. These competencies can be divided into different ways , we will focus on two of them. Which are intraspecific competition and interspecific competition .

Below we will explain what we mean by these two important concepts within the animal world and how they influence the survival and environment of different species. Stay with us and find out all the details related to both essential battles or competitions.

What is interspecific competition?

It is one that takes place when 2 or more species are in a constant struggle for resources that favor both and in turn these are totally limited in their environment or specific place, therefore, they are necessary to survive.

A clear example of this could be given taking into account any mammal. Imagine a situation in which both species are in a desert environment and both have a strong need for a nearby water source .

In the event that there is only one place where it can be taken, both species will fight to achieve their objective and not die in that environment. The one that achieves victory will relegate the other to the need to find another source of water somewhere.

In places of this type the simple idea of ​​being able to get water is impossible. Therefore, it is very likely that this species uses all its energies before being able to achieve it, therefore it will not be able to survive.

Normally, that species that is much more adapted in this environment and possesses qualities superior to the other will manage to survive without any problem or inconvenience in the face of much smaller threats than this.

What is intraspecific competition?

This is much more common in species such as trees or plants . We represent it with an example. Suppose that 2 specific plants grow in the same place , they take the necessary nutrients to grow from this same place, but during their evolution in addition to water and these nutrients, they will need the sun.

Therefore, at some point, one of them, the one with the best qualities and the best growth, will be able to fully take in the sunlight, obscuring the other .

At the time this happens, that fraction in which one of them has a much broader growth than the other and totally avoids its rival the opportunity to get the necessary solar rays, will make its rival not have the possibility of surviving its environment and finally die.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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