Dicarboxylic acid

Dicarboxylic acid . In organic chemistry , dicarboxylic acid is the name given to that compound with a carbon structure that is replaced by two functional carboxyl groups. Therefore, its formula responds to HOOC-R-COOH, where R usually corresponds to an alkyl, alkenylol or alkynyl group.


Dicarboxylic acids have special relevance in the metabolism of cells . In chemical engineering they are used to prepare copolymers such as nylon. As for chemical reactivity, they usually behave like monocarboxylic acids. Ionization of the second carboxylic group is more difficult than that of the first, because it requires more energy to dissociate the proton (H +) from an anion that carries two negative charges (case of ionization of the second carboxyl) than from that which it only has one (case of the ionization of a single carboxyl). When one of the carboxyl groups of these acids is replaced by one, aldehyde type, an aldehyde acid is produced. Some examples of dicarboxylic acids are:


by Abdullah Sam
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