Definition of Social Systems and Systems

Many definitions or definitions put forward by experts about the system. But in general, the system refers to a set of elements that work together in a working mechanism to achieve a certain goal.

A system is a configuration of elements or components that make up a system that interact and work together in one unit. Elements or components in the system have their own properties that form them in a subsystem. The nature of the subsystem is the nature of the system itself in carrying out a certain function and influencing the overall system process. A system has its properties, in more detail Talcot Parson formulates the characteristics of a system as follows:
1. The system has the property of order and interdependent parts.
2. The system tends to move towards maintaining self-order or balance.
3. The system may be static or move in a regular process of change.
4. The nature of the parts of a system affects the shape of the other parts.
5. The system maintains boundaries with its environment.
6. The allocation of integration are the two fundamental processes required to maintain the balance of the system.
7. The system tends towards the maintenance of self-balance which includes maintaining boundaries and maintaining relationships between parts and the whole system, controlling different environments and controlling the tendency to change the system from within. (Ritzer, 2008: 123).

From several definitions or definitions it can be concluded that:
1. The system is a collection of elements with their respective properties or attributes that work together to achieve something, which something cannot be achieved if the elements are not incorporated in the system cooperation.
2. The system is an operational process that involves elements in the system through processing a series of inputs to produce an expected output.

  1. The system is an entity or unit consisting of the parts that make up the system, and a system is a part of a wider system.
    4. The system maintains boundaries with its environment and tends towards maintaining balance.


    system is a system building that regulates social relations in people’s lives. Social relations are intended for the occurrence of a harmonious life together in a social order based on norms and values ​​that are mutually agreed upon in society through a developed social system.

    In carrying out its functions and existence in social life, each system must have four functions called AGIL, namely the adaptation function, goal attainment function, integration function, and pattern maintenance function (latency).

It is not easy to explain the Indonesian social system considering the wide variety of social life styles prevailing in Indonesian society, which are ethnic entities, each of which has its own social system. To make a social system applicable in a particular entity of Indonesian society as an Indonesian social system is certainly a form of rape against the existence of the social system of other ethnic entities in Indonesia. Therefore, the concept of the Indonesian social system is only a political formula which in its sociological reality is difficult for us to state the various social systems that exist in Indonesia as a single social system applicable to all Indonesian people.
The Indonesian social system is based on social realities that exist among community entities which are conceptualized as a system of life that is open and full of interactions both internally and externally. Internal interactions include interactions between components in the system, while external interactions include interactions between the system and its environment. A social system is a necessity as a consequence of the existence of life together.


by Abdullah Sam
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