Dark Age vampire guide

The image of the night bloodsucker, thanks to popular culture, has long become one of the most intriguing and attractive. Dracula, Alucard, Lestat, Decon Frost, Blade … All these characters only fuel this interest.

In the Dark Age, the vampire is a separate class, distinguished by its versatility. Love PvP, control and good damage levels? Your choice is “Darkness”. Prefer to be useful to the group as a healer and healer of opponents? Blood will give you that opportunity. Well, if you want to play as Stoker’s bloodsucker, the Abyss branch with its ability to turn into a bat is at your service!

The base characteristics of the vampire are averaged so that it is easier to develop it according to your preferences. Be that as it may, this class, in any case, operates at medium range and replenishes health with most of its attacks.

With the general finished, let’s move on to the details.

State of vampirism

This feature of the vampire is so interesting that it cannot be ignored.

So, conscious entry into this state is available after reaching the 10th level. However, the highlight is that the character has a chance to fall into this state at the moment of using his abilities.

What does this state give?

  • Attack increase by 10%;
  • Increase the maximum number of health points by 10%;
  • Increase movement speed by 50%
  • Increase the effectiveness of healing skills by 10%;
  • The ability to use the special ability “Demon Strike”;

Now let’s look at all the branches of the vampire in more detail.

Vampire “Darkness”

The first thing to say about this branch is that it is better not to use it for PvE. “Blood” it is inferior to the inability to really heal partners, and “Abyss” – much lower damage. But what she definitely surpasses both of her “sisters” is in her ability to control. Therefore, in PvP, the dark vampire works wonders. Why? Here’s why.

  • The presence, although weak (especially in comparison with the “Blood”), but the possibility of self-healing;
  • High level of evasion;
  • Unique skill “Seed of Darkness”, which slows down the enemy and prevents him from using his skills for 3 seconds;
  • “Curse of darkness” can reduce the accuracy of enemy attacks, which, combined with a high chance of dodging a vampire, will significantly complicate the enemy’s life;
  • Only in this branch there is the AoE skill Devil’s Explosion, which, moreover, does not require a specific target;

To make the dark vampire even more effective when choosing talents and equipment, you should place maximum emphasis on the level of dodge. This will significantly increase the survivability of this class.

Vampire “Blood”

This line is intended primarily for creating a DD healer. No, in principle, a pure DD-share from it can also be good, but for those who prefer to inflict wounds, rather than heal them, the “Abyss” is better suited.

Yes, one more point should also be mentioned. The priest cannot be replaced by this class for the simple reason that he does not have AoE heals. But as a PvP healer or a healer of support with the possibility of inflicting damage – he shows himself very even. And due to what:

  • High efficiency of single healings;
  • Chance of buffing an ally;
  • High survival rate;
  • Not a bad level of damage;

For the Blood vampire to be as effective as possible, emphasis should be placed on developing his healing skills. Choosing the right talent is also very important. Reducing cooldowns, increasing mana regeneration and developing defensive skills are also very important.

Vampire “Abyss”

Those who choose this branch will have a pretty hard time at first. Until you get the opportunity to transform into a bat, most of the strengths of the branch remain closed to you, but its weaknesses remain. But, if you have “grown up” to the desired transformation, you can breathe more calmly. On the contrary, your opponents should beware.

So the Abyss. The main advantages:

  • High mobility;
  • Low skill cooldown;
  • Increased effectiveness of curses and pillboxes;
  • Bat skin, which increases all stats and opens up great control options;

What should be developed by the one who has chosen this line. Increased damage and speed. The speed of everything. Movements, attacks, recharge skills. The Abyss vampire must be as fast and agile as possible. Yes, the dodge will come in handy too Still, there should be some kind of protection.


Essentially, the vampire is a class for the undecided. For those who do not yet know which style of playing he will like more, or which role in the group attracts him more. And the vampire has access to all roles, with the exception of the tank. And support, and healing, and high damage, and efficiency in PvP – he has everything. So, if the role of “big and fat” does not appeal to you, and in relation to everything else you do not know what to choose, take a vampire. Decide along the way. Good hunting!


by Abdullah Sam
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