Dark Age Reaper Guide

Gloomy. Deadly. Relentless. This is what he is, the reaper. And one should not get in his way …

This class prefers close combat in the Dark Age. Therefore – two-handed scythes and heavy armor. This is what it is equipped with. A killer set. But that’s not all. The main feature of the reaper is that its damage directly depends on the level of its health. If this level is higher than that of the enemy, then the latter does not have to suffer for long … To make life easier for the player, there is a special panel in the Reaper’s interface, which is made in the form of a winged demon.

The color of the beast indicates the amount of character health. The spheres that the demon has in its paws light up when the enemy’s health has dropped below a certain level. If you move the cursor over them, then the number of percentages remaining until the bonus from using the ability is received is displayed.

The reaper has nine offensive skills, three passive skills, six blessings and two curses in the arsenal.


  • Blood of fire;
  • The wind of death;
  • Dance of Shadows;
  • Chopping swing;
  • Agile shadow;
  • Executioner’s Shadow;
  • Grip of the wind;
  • Dead Man’s Shadow;
  • Furious wind.


  1. Moonlight night;
  2. Blood of darkness;
  3. Blood of the ancients.

The Reaper’s Curse:

  1. Wind stubbornness;
  2. Blood Redemption /

Reaper’s Blessings:

  • Furious heart;
  • Fast blood;
  • Bloody war;
  • The will of the champion;
  • Fist of the Wind;
  • Bad blood.

“Storm” Reaper development tree

“A lot of them? All the better…”

In the “Storm” branch, the most stupid thing that the enemies of the Reaper can do is to surround him. The more opponents around, the more they will fall. The strengths of this branch are strong AOE abilities, a high crit rate, the ability to pull opponents towards you and, in general, a good level of control. This makes him especially useful in massive PvP encounters. Although in PvE, he can also provide good support to the tank, staying near it and, literally, mowing down mobs.

For the Storm Reaper, the main abilities are those related to the element of Wind:

  • Provocation
  • Variability
  • Ruthlessness
  • Insignificance
  • Swirl of blood
  • Roaring wind
  • True roaring wind
  • Gust of wind
  • Fearlessness
  • dancing with the Wind
  • Curse of the wind
  • Typhoon

Equipment for the Wind Reaper should maximize the damage it deals. As well as his pet (for example, the Winged Tiger, which increases the owner’s attack by a certain percentage of its +17 units). As the saying goes, “There is never too much traffic police.” This is definitely about this thread.

“Executioner” Reaper development branch

“They said – to execute, then – to execute!”

Reaper Executioner in a one-on-one duel is able to crush almost anyone. High accuracy, decent level of health, increased effectiveness of abilities aimed at one enemy, very high chance and increased critical damage.

The executioner can be useful in almost any situation. Many people especially appreciate his effectiveness in PvP. And this is logical. All of the above makes him a formidable opponent for any other class.

The executioner, for the greatest efficiency, should give preference to the elements of Darkness:

  • Atonement by blood
  • Crying shadows
  • Chopping swing
  • Explosion of blood
  • Wind stubbornness
  • Executioner’s shadow
  • Dead man’s shadow
  • Fast blood
  • Madness of passion
  • Bad blood
  • Fierce hatred
  • Dance of shadows
  • Furious heart

Equipment for the Executioner should increase his health level, accuracy, as well as the chance and damage of crit. From pets, Sergeant Crots will do well for him, with his health increase. In general, if everything is done correctly, no one can resist in open duels against the Executioner.

A quick tour of the reaper’s talents

The branches of the Reaper’s talents are very extensive and we will not consider them in detail, but it will not hurt to focus on a couple. Literally three from the above two branches.

For the Storm …

The talent “Howling Wind” is required, which turns all skills aimed at a single target into AOE. Further, the talent “Whirlpool of Blood” attracts and stuns several opponents at once. And, finally, “Pulse of Wind”, which increases the dodge rating and, as a result, provides a higher chance of maintaining the Reaper’s health level at a safe (and also necessary dangerous for enemies) level.

And for the Executioner …

The talent “Corrosive Blood” will be extremely useful, which reduces the enemy’s resistance to the main element of the Executor – Darkness. Then – “Pride of Darkness”. Everything is simple here. Increased Darkness Damage. And the last in the top three will be the talent “Dark Soul Strike.” With a high level of health (over 80%) for the duration of the “Fast Blood” skill, the Reaper inflicts even more damage with Darkness.


In general, the Reaper class provides a huge range of roles to play both in team play and in solo play. Plus a feature with health and damage dependencies. All of this makes the Reaper a very interesting and potentially extremely effective class. Have a good harvest!

by Abdullah Sam
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