Culinary Association of Camagüey

Currently the ACC has 4,777 members, 90% of the chefs in the province, however the aspiration is to continue growing, especially with those who work in the almost one hundred palates existing in the 13 municipalities.

The Association constantly promotes various improvement actions, which are mainly demanded by the Education and Health sectors, military institutions and state gastronomy . The courses for lunch , bakery , candy store , Cuban and Camaguey cuisine , as well as gastronomic services are highly requested . In addition teaching workshops on cooking, grilling, stylized cooking and decoration.


In the last four years of management, it is worth noting that in 2011 the Federation of Culinary Associations of the Republic of Cuba (FACRC) certified 28 Camagüeyans with the category of International Chefs, for their teaching preparation and outstanding career in the field.

The ACC has an increasing incidence in the traditional Fiesta del Tinajón, which takes place in the city of Camagüey in November , with the sponsorship of the well-known musical composer and conductor of the Orchestra Adalberto Álvarez . There they present typical local dishes and give lectures on culinary traditions.

Those present ratified Teófilo Rodríguez Rodríguez as President of the Association, as well as Yudeini Pérez Mauriño and Ania Arredondo Agüero as Vice-presidents, for a new four-year term.


by Abdullah Sam
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