How To convert image to black and white photoshop not grayscale

How To convert image to black and white photoshop not grayscale.Photoshop is undoubtedly one of the best photo editing programs currently, developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated with good graphics that you can use to convert any image from color to black and white. It has effects, filters and a wide variety of options to regulate the color and hue of the photographs , but how to perfect the edition?, and how to adjust the colors of your photo to black and white? Next, we will explain simple steps to do it.

How To convert image to black and white photoshop not grayscale

Index(  )

  1. Effective Methods to Edit a Photo from Color to Black and White in Photoshop

Convert image to black and white photoshop not grayscale

Depending on your editing program, the better the results you expect in the images . In the case of Adobe Photoshop , it will offer seven days of free access to the latest version of Photoshop in case you have not downloaded the program to edit your projects

In addition, Photoshop will help you to have a professional edition of visual formats of any kind, improving the quality of your pixelated photos , applying filters, effects, figures and even inserting images of frames or inside a form using this editing program.

select image

Once you are in Photoshop, the first thing you have to do is choose the image you want to edit, since you will select it from your computer and you can even choose several to be able to edit them continuously if you prefer.

Click on ‘Mode’ and ‘Grayscale’

In order to use this useful tool, the gray scale will always be present to change the appearance of your photographs or images, using the tools or options found on the side and upper right of the screen , these are the ones that suppose the important aspects in editing for images, to apply the “Grayscale” mode follow these steps:

  1. Once in Photoshop, go to the top right of the screen and click on the “image” option.
  2. When a small panel is displayed, select the “Mode” option and click on “Grayscale”.
  3. Then, accept this function by clicking on “Ok”.

Click on ‘Dismiss’

In Photoshop there are options that could counteract some effects if you intend to reduce or remove some gray tones altogether if you prefer, to do this go to the top right of the image and select “Image” and click on “Adjustments” and then on “Levels”.

Once the above is done, a window will appear with three regulators, each of which you will use to modify the tones of the image, such as for black, white and a third central one that will be like the balance meter.

How to perfect the edition of my image to black and white in Photoshop?

When you want to perfect the edition, it consists of the perspective of its being, brightness or lighting more than everything, to do it from the Photoshop application these options are predetermined, in fact, they are the most important in any editing program to have good results in the pictures.


This option allows you to select a grayscale mixture, but being predefined or personalized as long as it has been previously saved , in case you want to save the personalized mixture, go to the properties menu icon and click on the 3 small lines and together, do Click on them and select “Save Black and White Preset”.


With this option you will be able to set a specified or related grayscale mix for the color values ​​of the image you chose to edit, this automatic mix is ​​often used as it produces excellent results, you can also use it as a starting point to adjust Better values ​​thanks to Photoshop’s color sliders.

Tint and color slider

These options work to apply one more color tone to the image and to apply it you need to click on the color swatch displayed on the screen to open the “Color Picker” and after that select the color of the tint.

As for the color slider,  it adjusts the gray tones of the related or specific colors of the photograph , to do so you just have to drag the slider to the left only to darken, but if you want to lighten the image more, just drag it to the right until you see corresponding shades of gray you want.

Adjust the colors of my photo to black and white from the Photoshop canvas

Modifying or changing the size of the canvas in Photoshop is also a relevant option to implement it, but not only that, it offers a tool to adjust the colors directly on the canvas , it means that you can use the adjustment tool on the image, just go to icon of a hand pointing up and click on the image while dragging it to the left in case you want to darken it or to the right in case you want to lighten it.

Even so, after modifying it in this way you can also opt for the color slider of the corresponding colors that is in that same location. However, in case you want to reset the settings you modified, go to the icon of a spinning arrow to reset the setting values.

How to save the results of my black and white photo made in Photoshop?

The projects you carry out can certainly be saved on your computer , you can even make a copy of them without losing the quality of the photo , so follow these steps to save the files with name, location and format:

  1. First choose the file in “Save As”.
  2. Now, select File Format from the Format menu.
  3. Next, you have to specify the file name and of course an exact location.
  4. Finally, click on “Save” select the options to save your photo in image formats and voila!