Computer ethics

Computer ethics . The concept of information ethics dates back to approximately the 70s of the last century when computing began to be used en masse in scientific-technical applications, raising unknowns regarding the storage and accessibility of documents included in databases. of bibliographic data. Later the concept was expanded with the massive use of the Internetand the abuses that have been made of said technology. At present, information ethics deals with everything related to the use and misuse of information. These aspects include problems such as intellectual property, access to free or restricted information, censorship, the use of information from public institutions, the confidentiality and integrity of data, and the international flow of information, among others. Also, ethics deals with how ethical principles are used in the decisions and actions of information professionals.


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  • 1 Definitions
  • 2 Objectives
  • 3 Most significant ethical problems in Informatics
    • 1 Ethics on the Internet
    • 2 Threats to privacy
    • 3 Ownership of computer programs
    • 4 Decisions made by computers
    • 5 Violation of interpersonal respect
  • 4 Conclusions
  • 5 Source


The ethics in computer science is a new discipline that aims to gain ground within the ethical applied regarded as the discipline that examines ethical problems that are created by the technology of computers and also those who are transformed or aggravated by it, that is, by people who use advances in information technology. Some of the books consulted state that changing technological sophistication poses new ethical dilemmas or whether ethical questions remain constant.

Mario González Arencibia defines computer ethics as the discipline that analyzes the ethical problems that are created by the technology of computers and also those who are transformed or aggravated by it. That is, by the people who use the advances of information technologies.

It is, in addition, the analysis of the nature and social impact of information technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for an ethical use of said technology, this definition is related to the conceptual problems and the gaps in the regulations that it has caused information technology.

Another more comprehensive definition comes from Terrel Bynum, who based on Moor, defines as the discipline that identifies and analyzes the impacts of information technologies on human and social values, it is the analysis of the nature and social impact of technology information technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for an ethical use of said technology. The computer ethics would be related to the conceptual problems and the gaps in the regulations that the information technology has caused.


Discover and articulate key ethical dilemmas in computing.

Determine to what extent they are aggravated, transformed or created by computer technology.

Analyze and propose an adequate conceptual framework and formulate principles of action to determine what to do in new activities caused by information technology in which lines of action are not clearly perceived.

Use ethical theory to clarify ethical dilemmas and detect errors in ethical reasoning.

Propose an adequate conceptual framework to understand the ethical dilemmas originated by computing and also establish a guide when there is no regulation to use the Internet .

Most significant ethical problems in Informatics

Ethics on the Internet

The Internet is the latest and most powerful of a series of communication media (telegraph, telephone , radio and television ) that over the last century has progressively eliminated time and space as obstacles to communication between large numbers of people. As with other means of communication , the individual and the community of persons are central to ethical evaluation of the Internet . With regard to the message communicated, the process of communication and structural and systemic issues of communicationThe ethical question is to know if this is contributing to authentic human development and helping people and peoples to be faithful to their transcendent destiny.

The fundamental ethical principle is the following: the human person and the human community are the end and the measure of the use of the means of social communication; the communication should take place from person to person, with a view to the integrated development of the same.

Threats to privacy

This is one of the best known issues in the field of ethics applied to new information technologies. In this millennium, the privacy of people will be in danger due to the increase in search techniques on the net (data mining) or in databases, this goes far beyond the traditional searches for information.

Ownership of computer programs

Computer programs represent a new approach to understanding intellectual property, because the object to be legally protected, software, has a different nature than the existing one. Anti-piracy laws defend the rights of software producers or those who are authorized to sell licenses to use such programs. The ethical problem consists not only in finding a new way to justify the right to a new form of property, but also in analyzing whether intellectual property laws are fair or if new ways of understanding said laws should be created for the benefit of the worldwide community of users.

Decisions made by computers

For some years now, information systems not only make decisions but also execute them; in some cases, their ability to make better decisions than humans has been shown. The problem that arises is the obligation to always pay attention to the machines. It can also be put another way: if expert systems are so complete, is it moral to ignore machines? When responsibility for risky decisions is handed over to digital systems, a new moral issue is presented: how to face situations in which making a wrong decision causes serious consequences, where no one has responsibility and, therefore, no punishment or sanction is suffered any?

Violation of interpersonal respect

The anonymity provided by the Internet introduces problems that could be classified as “incendiary”, by allowing the sending of emotional content, which, at times, can become aggressive and threatening. The necessary forms of surveillance against child pornography, for example among others, are not established. In general, there is concern that cyberspace ushers in a new era of danger to respect for civil liberties and human rights.



According to what has been raised, the idea could be reached that the development of science and technology and its social implications in the field of information technology have led to a revaluation of ethics, in which it is important to recognize several things: In practice , the computer ethics of capitalist society is “you have so much, you are worth so much.” The developments of science and technology and its derivative: informatics, they are not ethically neutral. It coincides with the idea of ​​developing an ethics applied to Informatics, as well as introducing professional codes of ethics, which could help to think about and solve many of these problems, thus allowing an adequate management of Informatics in function of social development. But the problem is not just one of developing morally good conduct for IT professionals.

Its magnitude is much greater. An irrational use of computers can cause serious problems that even involve the cost of human lives. After the presentation of this new discipline, Computer Ethics, we can conclude that we are facing a serious attempt to propose a systematized reflection of the ethical aspects of one of the most relevant characteristics of our world: the informational dimension of society. The Computer Ethics is part of the “return to ethics” that is taking place in philosophical thought and in other fields of social activity, resulting in technical areas to avoid the absolutization of instrumental rationality and technical pragmatism.

From the above we can also conclude that we are facing new challenges both in the professional world and in the educational world. Computer codes of ethics are intended to respond to ethical questions that arise in professional life. However, they are not a sufficient answer to the problems derived from the modernization of professions, although they are a means of considering the problems and becoming aware of their relevance. We conclude with the consideration that Computer Ethics is a challenge for educational life, in the sense that ethics must also be part of the curricula of computer teaching and research centers .


by Abdullah Sam
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