Communicate in times of confinement. What I do?

When ‘all this’ started, a client called us and said: “Girls, I think it is better that we stop machines and do not communicate anything until we return to normal.” It was a very logical reaction to a situation as unknown, delicate and unexpected as we were in.

On the one hand, because you don’t know what to say. You want to avoid offending your customers by talking about your products or services, when the whole world is waiting for something as fundamental as their own health and that of their own.

And, on the other, there is the economic situation: many companies have had to make drastic cuts and, much to our regret, communication is usually the first thing to weaken.

The question we asked ourselves was: should we communicate in times of confinement or better to remain silent? We, as a company, were in the same situation as our clients. Which step was the most appropriate?


6 tips on communicating in times of confinement (if you decide to do it)

Each case is different and, as a company, you have to analyze what your audience is like and, above all, how you feel about your brand when it comes to issuing a message.

As there are many theories and many opinions, we want to share our advice so that, from your business, you build your own vision:

  1. Wait aslong as you need until you feel ready. If you don’t have high power, it won’t do any good to post. You can tell leagues when you write with low morale.
  2. When you have made up your mind, get down to it. And give yourself permission to change your mind if you think it’s necessary. Every day is different and if you have to eliminate something it is the “pressure” on what you publish.


Also read: The importance of business communication also in times of crisis


  1. If you choose to continue communicating, start walking at your own pace, with your own voice and with confidence in what you say and what you do. We share with you the words of one of our mentors, Do:


Be a skyscraper brand.

Have a small footprint but stand above others.

(Be a skyscraper brand. Make your footprint small but rise above the rest.)


  1. Set your tone. If your style is usually pole-sized, don’t lose your personality, although, better lower your usual funny point a little. For example, at the moment, we are uncomfortable to see exclamations in some publications, no matter how optimistic they want to convey. Perhaps in two days we will think differently. We will assume
  2. It is time to give. Give from honesty, give to share and create something new. Obviously we all want to recover our rhythm and our sales, but we are convinced that your brand will connect better if you transmit what you feel, with sincerity.
  3. Share. If you like what you read, share it. Whoever comes from. Emotions are on the surface and people need positive energy in whatever format. We share with you a phrase that we loved about the campaign of the Institut d’Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears (IDI):


Ara els petits s’han de fer grans.

More than mai buys from botigues

i als mercats del teu costat.

(Now, the little ones have to get big. More than ever, buy in the stores and markets that are close to you)


Our client has continued to communicate. That was the opinion we gave him and he proved us right. Now, he shares with his clients what he does from home, his reflections and some hobbies. A good opportunity to show the human side of your company . And the result is being very positive.

Our opinion to the headline question is, is it still there . Show your clients that you are green and mature. Slowly but surely. Communicating from honesty and empathy. We are all humans. Now, it is clearer than ever.



by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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