A complete list of Codes and cheats for LEGO Star Wars: and how to enter them.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga cheats combine several features that allow you to get early access to items that would normally take several hours of farming studs to purchase, or to exclusive content that can only be unlocked with a code. This is nothing new, since the code screen (like the codes themselves) has been used in all LEGO video games in recent years. As for the recently released LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, these codes are focused on adding characters or ships. In this guide, we have compiled a complete list of cheat codes available to gamers.
List of codes for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Many cheat codes for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga appeared before the full release (using sets). We currently have the codes for 18 characters and two ships, so if you want to control Darth Vader in a Christmas sweater or the battle droid Mister Bones, enter the following values:
- C3PHOHO– Christmas version of C-3PO (code for an exclusive item, impossible to get in any other way)
- WOOKIEE– Christmas version of Chewbacca
- TIPYIPS– Christmas version of DO (code for an exclusive item, impossible to obtain in any other way)
- WROSHYR– Christmas version of Darth Vader (code for an exclusive item, impossible to obtain in any other way)
- LIFEDAY– Christmas version of the Gonk droid (code for an exclusive item, impossible to get in any other way)
- KORDOKU– Christmas version of Poe Dameron (code for exclusive item, impossible to obtain in any other way)
- SKYSAGA– Temmin Wexley (Exclusive reward with promo code below)
- KH7P320– Eila Secura
- XV4WND9– Admira Holdo
- OKV7TLR– Dengar
- SIDIOUS– Emperor
- BAC1CKP– Mr. Bones
- WBFE4GO– Nute Gunray
- Z55T8CQ– Poggle Lesser
- GR2VBXF– Rhetts Tyrell
- VT1LFNH– Shaak Ti
- T9LM1QF– Shmi Skywalker
- 3FCPPVX– Tarkin
- ARVALA7– ship “Razor’s Edge” (code for an exclusive item, impossible to get in any other way)
- SHUTTLE– Resistance transport ship I-TS (code for an exclusive item, it cannot be obtained in any other way)
If you know of new cheat codes, be sure to let us know in the comments below. To enter the codes, you must start a new game or load a save, then go to pause mode and select the appropriate option. There is no option in the main menu to enter cheats!
Code from the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga website
If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll see a message while browsing the menu telling you to visit http://www.LEGOsurvey.com/skywalkersaga to get a “fun unlock code”. We have listed this code in our cheat list above: after completing the survey on this site, you will indeed receive a new SKYSAGA cheat code with which you can unlock Temmin Wexley. Everyone gets the same reward.
How to enter codes in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Codes in the game can be entered in two places. Both methods will lead to the same variant:
- Open the holoprojector, go to the “Advanced” tab and select “Enter Code”.
- Enter the pause menu and select the key icon that says “Enter Code”.
If you enter the code correctly, you will receive a notification stating that the code has been accepted and describing which reward you have just received. As with previous LEGO games, you only need to enter the code once and the reward is permanent.