Cheats The Sims FreePlay | Complete and updated list

Are you looking for the best The Sims FreePlay tricks ? Fantastic: you are in the right place! In the next lines we will provide you with all the information to facilitate the progress of the game (which, it must be recognized, is not a walk at all). Let’s not delay any longer: here is our guide!

Cheats The Sims FreePlay

Do you want to get infinite coins? Excellent: all you have to do is follow the instructions I am about to give you. If you already have The Sims installed , you must proceed to uninstall that version. Once this is done, you need to download this fully edited apk file . So, in summary: delete the original game and then install the apk file that we linked to you.

Once the installation process is complete , launch the game. The latter will be completely changed, and you will not fail to notice that there are now 99 million coins and a billion and a half pv available . It is possible, however, that the game starts in Russian: to set Italian, press the back button, then the one on the left on the screen and then repeatedly press the right arrow on the third option from the window that opens.

The word “Italian” will appear: The Sims is now in our language. Now you have completely modified The Sims : it is in Italian and with a lot of money to spend as you please. Not bad, right?

Alternative methods

It is not mandatory to uninstall the original version of The Sims and download the apk file. You can act directly on the game to enter the codes of tricks : you have to open the console of tricks , press Ctrl + Shift + C on your PC Windows or Command + Shift + C on your Mac . Doing so will bring up the dialog where you can enter the tricks . After typing a cheat press Enter.

So in summary you have to open the console tricks and start typing the codes of tricks . Here are some of the fundamentals, which will give you a decisive hand in your gaming experience.

  • Rosebud or kaching: typing these words in the console tricks receive 1000 Simoleons.
  • Motherlode: with this code you will earn 50 thousand simoleons
  • Do you want to make all the houses on the map free? Type FreeRealEstateon: you will move to the villa of your dreams, regardless of the price!
  • If you want to make it affordable objects career stuck in the catalog”Build”, open the console tricks and type ” ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement “.
  • To move objects freely even in places not allowed, activates the console tricksand type ” moveobjects on “, then select the object you want to place:’ll make you quickly realize that you will have free access to the area.
  • Finally, the hidden objects in theBuild catalog can be unlocked by typing ” showhiddenobjects “: in this way they will be usable.

Cheats The Sims FreePlay: conclusions

Now you really have all The Sims FreePlay tricks to be able to build a real golden kingdom within the game. Not bad, right?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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