Gene translation

The process called gene translation is studied in biology and refers to the biological process in which the message contained in the mRNA molecule is read by the ribosome. Translation consists …

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Genetic drift

Also known as genetic derivation or oscillation, genetic or allelic drift, genetic drift comprises the diversity of the genetic background of populations. The occurrence of this occurs in line with natural …

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Recessive genes

Genes are nothing more than the small particles in our bodies that carry genetic material, that is, our DNA and dioxiribonucleic acid. These are responsible for the production of the protein …

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You may have come across, even on the internet, some image of humans and other animals with eyes of each color. The process, caused by a lack or excess of melanin, …

Read more.Heterochromia


We call mutations, in biology, some changes that happen in the sequence of the nucleotides of the genetic material of a given organism. These can happen due to errors in copying …

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