
Cnidoblasts Cnidoblasts are special cells unique to Cnidarians (jellyfish, corals, sea anemones) that secrete a stinging substance and whose mission is both defense against predators and attack to capture prey. Cnidoblasts are …

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Cladistics. (Greek: klados = branch) is a biological tool used to determine the evolutionary relationships between organisms based on relatively derived characters (apomorphs). A derived character is one that has originated from a primitive …

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Citric acid cycle

Krebs cycle. Also called the Citric Cycle or tricarboxylic cycle ( TCA ), it was first discovered by Hans Adolf Krebs, a British biochemist who presented this important scientific advance in 1937. It …

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Urea cycle

Urea Cycle Living organisms excrete excess nitrogen that results from amino acid metabolism in one of three ways. Many aquatic organisms simply excrete ammonia . Where water is less abundant, ammonia becomes a less toxic molecule, and its excretion requires …

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Sea Horse

Sea horse . Seahorses or hippocampi (genus Hippocampus) constitute a group of marine fish belonging to the Syngnathidae family, which also includes pipe fish. Its name is due to the peculiar similarity that …

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