
The skeletal system . It has locomotion , support and protection functions. The vertebrates have an internal or endoskeleton skeleton, consisting of bones , which are joined together by joints. The science that deals with studying bones is called osteology. Summary [ hide ] …

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Ligament . Band-shaped structure made up of fibrous tissue whose function, in most cases, is to unite and stabilize the bones in the joints . Other ligaments have nothing to do with the joints and connect the organs between them, …

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Leptin . Also known as OB protein , it is a hormone produced mostly by adipocytes (fat cells) although it is also expressed in the hypothalamus, ovary, and placenta. Summary [ hide ] 1 Discovery 2 Structure 3 Synthesis and secretion 4 Regulatory factors 1 Neuropeptide …

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The latirismo is caused by toxic substances present in the almorta or guija, Lathyrus sativus, and in other legumes of the same genus, which are a “survival food”, since it is the …

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