Castilblanco cheese

Castiblanco cheese . Queso de Castilblanco is a cheese made in the municipality of Castilblanco (Extremadura, Spain) and, to a lesser extent, in the municipalities belonging to the Cijara and Siberia associations . The best known variety is goat’s milk , although a variety is also made from sheep’s milk .


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  • 1 History
  • 2 Elaboration
  • 3 Features
  • 4 Sources


The oldest reference to Castilblanco cheese is in the cookbook The Practicón of Angel Muro , published in 1894. This cook, writer and gourmet mentions the variety of goat milk . He only mentions two cheeses made with this type of milk: that of Castilblanco and that of Puerto Real . In 2014 , a survey carried out by the Extremadúrate portal ranked Castilblanco cheese among the eight favorite Extremaduran cheeses of readers.


It is made exclusively with raw unpasteurized milk , rennet and salt . It is a matured cheese, medium curing, with enzymatic coagulation and pressed, uncooked pasta. The maturation of the cheese is always greater than two months.


There are varieties of goat’s milk and sheep’s milk . The variety collected in the Electronic Catalog of Cheeses of Spain of the Ministry of Agriculture , Food and Environment is that of goat’s milk. It is an extra fat cheese (49%). Its shape is cylindrical with a smooth edge. The size is medium, weighing 1-1.5 kg .


by Abdullah Sam
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