
The cantharidin : A chemical compound obtained from a Coleoptera and given its ability to cause blistering, without giving rise to residual scars, used in the treatment of Molluscum contagiosum and warts. It is normally formulated at different concentrations and with a green dye (bright green) that allows to precisely secure and define the area in which it has to be applied.


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  • 1 Application form
  • 2 Precautions
  • 3 Side effects
  • 4 Sources

Application way

  • It must be applied very carefully and strictly on the lesion to be treated. Normally a spatula is incorporated with the liquid for its application.
  • After topical application of cantharidin, you have to wait about 2 minutes for the liquid to dry.
  • Once dry, a dressing (non-porous plastic) must be applied to the wart.
  • After about 6 hours of cantaridine application, a slight pain and a gallbladder (small blister) may appear.
  • The dressing has to be removed after 4-6 hours. Wash the area with soap and water.
  • Within 24-48 hours a gallbladder or blister forms.
  • During the following days the gallbladder dries up and the lesion can detach. An antiseptic (Betadine solution, Cristalmina) will be applied every day, until the wound heals (4-7 days).

If the injury does not disappear with a treatment session, the treatment must be repeated again.


Cantaridine does not have to be applied in the following situations:

  • Warts or molluscs located on mucosa, eyelids, nostrils or mouth.
  • It should be used with caution around the genitals and anus.

Side effects

Applying cantharidin to a wart does not normally burn or cause wound formation, but blistering can sometimes be bothersome. In a small number of patients, the development of a satellite wart ring around the initial wart can be observed. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and even cellulite can also rarely develop after treating warts on the soles of the feet.


by Abdullah Sam
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