Boiling ( Physics)

Boiling : Physical process also known as vaporization, begins when gas bubbles appear throughout its mass upon heating a liquid and are released into the atmosphere.


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  • 1 Definition
  • 2 Boiling point
  • 3 Boiling water
  • 4 Sources


Boiling is the physical process in which a liquid passes into a gaseous state at a high temperature (water at 100 ° C).

It occurs when the temperature of the entire liquid equals the boiling point of the liquid at that pressure. If the liquid is continued to heat, it absorbs the heat, but without increasing the temperature: the heat is used to convert the water in the liquid state to water in the gaseous state, until the entire mass passes into the gaseous state. At that time it is possible to increase the temperature of the liquid.

Boiling point

Boiling begins when gas bubbles appear throughout its mass when heating a liquid. This occurs at a fixed temperature for each substance.

The boiling point of a substance is called the temperature at which the boiling of that substance occurs.

At the microscopic level, it happens that almost all the particles have enough energy to escape from the liquid and liberate themselves as a gas.

Boiling water

This process is very different from evaporation , which is gradual and for which, at higher altitudes, the average atmospheric pressure decreases, so the water needs lower temperatures to boil.

In a pressure cooker, the water reaches a temperature of 120 or 130 ° C before boiling, due to the higher pressure reached by the gases inside it. Thanks to this higher temperature of the water inside the pot, cooking food is faster.

Adding additives to water can increase your boiling point. And some microorganisms also die at this temperature .


by Abdullah Sam
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