How to board a bus to avoid Corona

Coronavirus infection. Which spread from one to the other. Coronavirus spreads mostly through coughs, saliva, sputum and cough. That is why you have to be more careful in the outdoors.

Everyone has to go out for the sake of necessity. Moreover, we have to use public transportation in the office or work order. And from here the deadly coronavirus can spread. However, it is possible to get rid of the virus only if some precautions are taken in public transport. Let us know what we need to do when it comes to public transportation.

> Try to get on the bus without touching the pole or handle of the bus.

> Wear gloves or gloves in your hand.

> Apply disinfectant gel before or after getting on the bus.

> Before touching any place on the bus, clean with disinfectant spray.

> If you sneeze or cough on the bus, use handkerchiefs, tissues, etc. Or place your face in the elbow of your hand.

> Cover with tissue or something else before catching it somewhere on the bus or train.

> Clean your hands with soap before or after getting on the bus.

> Avoid mass transit if possible.

> Travel on a bus less frequent.

> Do not touch your face until you wash your hands after boarding the bus.

– Lalmonirhat Message News Desk –

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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