Bleeding after intercourse: general causes

Bleeding after intercourse is a loss of blood  that can occur during or immediately after the sexual act . It can be a few drops of isolated blood or real more copious losses and the bleeding can stop quickly or continue for a few hours.

Information in this article:

  • Bleeding after intercourse: general causes
  • Bleeding after intercourse: specific causes related to menopause
  • See your gynecologist if you notice bleeding after intercourse

Bleeding after intercourse: general causes

When bleeding occurs in childbearing age and in any case before menopause it is always preferable to report it to the gynecologist because it may be necessary to proceed with some control tests. The most frequent causes can be:


It is a small lesion , similar to a sore, on the cervix that is generated because the cells that are inside the uterus, “move” outwards, generating a red spot, already evident in a simple visual examination . The bleeding that can occur after intercourse depends on the fact that the cells inside the cervix are more delicate and therefore can undergo microabrasions or small superficial lesions just by mechanical rubbing. Ectopy is generally associated with abundant whitish losses.

Mid-cycle hormonal change

The body of women is regulated throughout their fertile life by a hormonal balance that changes with the cycle. About halfway through the cycle, ovulation occurs (therefore 12-16 days before menstruation) and normally occurs after a short but sudden drop in estrogen level. Most women don’t notice this, but sometimes – and especially in women with endometriosis – there may be bleeding in the form of spotting . Sometimes the loss is accompanied by ovulatory pain.

Previous inflammations (vestibulitis or cervicovaginitis)

Another cause of bleeding after intercourse could be the presence of inflammation such as vulvar vestibulitis or cervicovaginitis . In this case the ailments are quite typical and must be treated following the indications of the gynecologist .

Cyst of the ovary or polyps

Intimate blood loss apparently unrelated to practical reasons, bleeding with intercourse or ovulatory pain, may be symptoms of the presence of ovarian cysts or polyps in the cervix . While the former are quite frequent, the latter are rarer at a young age but their frequency increases statistically with advancing age.

Papillomavirus (HPV)

It is the cause of bleeding that deserves the most clinical attention HPV infection is widespread, predominantly sexually transmitted and must be treated and observed very carefully. In most cases it occurs even after a long time from the infection and is substantially devoid of evident symptoms: this makes early diagnosis important . It can be diagnosed early with a Pap smear and treated effectively.

Bleeding after intercourse: specific causes related to menopause

At the end of the fertile life the entire hormonal structure changes and, with it, the entire body witnesses a series of changes that affect not only the genital system , but also the psyche and other organs of the body, such as the skin, hair and bones. This series of changes becomes relevant when we talk about bleeding after intercourse which can be the cause or consequence of some specific situations .

Bleeding due to vaginal dryness

The vaginal dryness is one of the most frequent intimate menopausal disorders . What happens is that the vaginal fluids that hydrate and keep the vaginal ecosystem moist and welcoming decrease in scope and intensity and can make intimate intercourse more difficult or even painful . It is precisely because of this poorly lubricated rubbing that the mechanics of sexual intercourse can cause abrasions or lesions and lead to brief bleeding .

Bleeding as a consequence of Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy

Almost half of menopausal women experience symptoms and consequences attributable to Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy , a chronic condition that determines the progressive thinning and relative fragility of the vulvar and vaginal walls. This condition can cause a greater frequency of micro – injuries, abrasions and small sores and therefore of bleeding during or after intimate intercourse.

Unlike simple dryness, Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy is a progressive condition that tends to worsen over time making it increasingly difficult to manage intimate life and, in the most serious cases, also the normal actions of daily life such as physical activity. a walk or even sitting.

See your gynecologist if you notice bleeding after intercourse

If the bleeding after intercourse is not an isolated case but recurs, even after some time, then it is advisable to report it to the gynecologist . Through an analysis of the symptoms, a routine examination and, if necessary, some in-depth analysis, the gynecologist can indicate an appropriate treatment for your situation, for your age and for your lifestyle, helping you to recover even an intimate life satisfactory .


by Abdullah Sam
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