Binary salt

Binary salt . Chemical compound formed by the combination of a Metal and a Nonmetal , where the former works with the minimum valence .

They are compounds that are formed by the union of a metallic element with a non-metallic element, the general formula is: MiXj where M is the metallic element, i is the valence of the non-metal, X is the non-metallic element and j is the valence of the metal.


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  • 1 Traditional nomenclature
  • 2 Stock Nomenclature
  • 3 Systematic nomenclature
  • 4 Synthesis
  • 5 Sources

Traditional nomenclature

These compounds are named using the uro-terminated nonmetal name and followed:

  1. For stock nomenclature, “de, name of the metal (valencia)” is placed.
  2. For traditional nomenclature, name of the metal finished in ico or bear as appropriate.

In order to name the binary salts, it is necessary to dismember the nomenclatures of the Hydracids and Hydroxides and take the parts to form a single compound.

For example, if Hydrochloric Acid and Ferric Hydroxide are used , the resulting salt will be Ferric Chloride .

  • CaF 2= Calcium fluoride
  • AuC l= aurous chloride
  • PtS 2= Platinum Sulfide

Stock Nomenclature

The nonmetal root is named first, ending in -uro, followed by the name of the metal. In brackets, with Roman numerals, the valence with which the metal acts is indicated. If the metal has only one valence, you do not need to specify it.


  • CaF 2= Calcium fluoride
  • AuC l= Gold Chloride (I)
  • PtS 2= Platinum (IV) Sulfide

Systematic nomenclature

You start by putting the name of the non-metal ending in uro, but two prefixes (which are the small numbers the only thing written) are added, which indicate the number of atoms of the metal and of the nonmetal that intervene in the formula.


  • FeCl 3= Iron Tricyloride.
  • Co 23 = Dicobalt trisulfide.


These salts are dissolved in water . When the obtaining equation is carried out, the resulting formula will be an Acid formed plus the H 2 O molecule . The most frequent example of a binary salt is Sodium Chloride (the common Salt ), which is obtained with a molecule of Sodium and another one of Chlorine , plus the group oxidrilo and the Hydrogen . in order to formulate the nomenclature of the Stock


by Abdullah Sam
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