best of Marguerite Yourcenar (+ Phrases)

Marguerite Yourcenar was a French poet, novelist, playwright and translator born on June 8, 1903. Yourcenar was the first woman elected to the French Academy in 1980, although she had belonged to the Belgian Academy since 1970. She is considered one of the most respected writers in the French language. He died in the United States on December 17, 1987.

10 great quotes from Marguerite Yourcenar

“There is something better between us than love: complicity.”

“My old heart is a King for no reason.”

“A part of each life, and even each insignificant life, is spent searching for the reasons for being, the starting points, the sources.”

«All the silences on earth are petals of your flower».

«I suffer the absence and the hard space; grief is a wall ».

“Honey from wounds embalms love.”

“I think of you again and I forget you again.”

«I embrace, pure delight, your unknown face, identical to my soul».

“The image of time that has passed is reflected in my memory.”

“Each of us has more virtues than we think, but only success highlights them, perhaps because then we are expected to stop manifesting them.”

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