Best alternative to Word Online for Android

Do you use Word to write text documents on your computer? It is likely that the answer is yes and that you also have the application installed on your Android mobile . Today we tell you why you should stop using Word and switch to one of the best alternatives out there. The Word application for Android is free and quite complete, but it does not have one of the most useful functions of the alternative that we are going to show you. The tool that we recommend is Google Docs , the best text editor in the cloud that you can use.

Put Word aside and use Google Docs on Android

The Google apps are popular around the world, but there are a large number of people who do not know their potential. Google Docs is one of the best text editors that exist for Android and computer. In Android it is an application and to use it from the computer, just open a tab in Google Chrome or the browser you use.

The great advantage of Google Docs is that it can open any text file in doc, docx or page format, it doesn’t matter. In addition, you will not have to be transferring your files from your computer to your mobile to open them anywhere: the service synchronizes everything you do and the content is available on any device where you log in with your Google account.

Download Google Docs – Google Play

If you are writing a document on your computer and you want to transfer it to your mobile, you simply have to close it, open Google Docs on your mobile and continue where you left off. You can even share the document with other people to see or edit it at the same time as you. This is vital for group work , for example.

You can also save these Google Docs documents in offline format to send them and you can do it in any format without any variation. And best of all, using Google Docs on computer and mobile is completely free. You will not have to pay any subscription or download pirated versions.

Google Docs is not as complete a text editor as Word, but it is very likely that it does have most of the functions that you currently work with. It will allow you to work without the need to save , as each letter you write is automatically synchronized with the cloud without spending hardly any data. And yes, Google Docs can also be used without the Internet .

You already know: if you are using Word for Android or Word Online, you should give Google Docs a try , as it is a simpler, more useful and free service.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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