best aesthetic treatments to end hyperhidrosis

You should not be the only one that happens. If you sweat excessively in your armpits, hands, and feet for various reasons, you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis . This can become a problem if it shows a lot, especially in your social relationships. What treatments are there to deal with it?

Well, know that with surgery and aesthetic medicine it is possible to reduce this problem and no one is going to notice it anymore.

Normally, hyperhidrosis usually takes place in localized areas of our body, such as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, armpits or face.

The causes are many because it can arise as something already innate and hereditary, due to hormonal problems, stress and nervousness, etc. So if the causes multiply it also makes the problem bigger and bigger.

Can it affect my daily life?

Of course, that’s why this problem is so important and that it affects daily life. Especially when we interact with different people, and much more when it requires physical contact.

That is why when there is this contact we tend to have fear and rejection, and for this reason many people look for a solution to the problem in aesthetic treatments.

According to the Trevi Clinic, which provides some of these solutions in different treatments, this problem can be primary or secondary. The primary is usually more localized and the cause is unknown.

While the secondary can be related to other clinical problems, and appears at certain times in life: from diseases, menopause , the consumption of certain drugs or medications, tumors.

Botulinum Toxin Application

If you are concerned about hyperhidrosis, you should know that it has various solutions and treatments. Clínica Trevi explains that in this case Botulinum Toxin is applied to the armpits, palms of the hands or feet, we go in those areas where you usually sweat more and that group a large concentration of sweat glands.

This manages to block the transmission that exists between the nerves and the sweat glands in the treated areas.

Normally, such treatments are usually done before summer because they are key dates where increased sweating makes an appearance.

And it is that this treatment lasts from 4 to 8 months, with an application time of approximately 40 minutes. The best thing is that it offers immediate results and is a guarantee if you have this problem and are already dreading the summer months.

by Abdullah Sam
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