
Bacalá . Exquisite dish from the Campechuela municipality of the Granma province , Cuba .


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  • 1 Origin
  • 2 Nutritional properties
  • 3 Preparation
    • 1 Ingredients
  • 4 Source


In 1895 the unique and at the same time typical dish of the Campechuela area was born , it was known as “Bacalá”, very similar to the cod that was known in Spain . It began to spread at the end of the year 1895 among the inhabitants of the district and fishermen until in 1900 it began to be used in families of the middle and upper bourgeois classes , it was used to feed the workers of the territory for its rich salty flavor and be onion in the form of a salad . This dish was consumed only on the coast of Campechuela , the main product for its preparation is the fish called horse mackerel.

Nutritional properties

Horse mackerel provides vitamins A (which benefits eyesight), B1 , B2 and D3 (which protects the body from rickets , among other ailments) and folic acid . It contains abundant minerals , especially calcium , magnesium , iron, and iodine .

Its contribution in proteins and the quality of these make it a very suitable food in times of growth and development. It also benefits teething thanks to its fluorine content .



  • Two horse mackerelfillets (dry and salty)
  • Two salad onions
  • A cup of vinegar
  • A cup of oil
  • Banana viands

The dried and salted fish fillets are cut, placed in a saucepan and cooked until well softened, the onions are cut very fine and added to the saucepan together with the vinegar and oil and served with the cooked banana.


by Abdullah Sam
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