Asteroid hyalosis

Asteroid hyalosis . Hyalosis is called the degenerative process of the vitreous humor, a gelatinous-looking mass that is behind the lens of the vertebrate and cephalopod eye ”. It comes from the Greek “crystal or crystalline stone” + -ō-sis “pathological process”. Its paronym halitosis, from the Latin hālit- “breath” + -ō-sis, is “breath stink”.

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Asteroid hyalosis is an ocular degenerative process that consists of the formation of small yellowish-white opacities in the vitreous humor . It is a completely benign phenomenon that does not usually have repercussions on vision, generally being detected incidentally during an ophthalmic examination. It can affect not only humans, but also other animals, such as dogs and chinchillas.


The cause of asteroid hyalosis is unknown, although its association with certain diseases, such as diabetes mellitus , high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia , has been proposed . This relationship is not proven. The composition of these bodies is hydroxyapatite, in short calcium and phosphates or phospholipids. Although asteroid hyalosis does not usually significantly compromise visual acuity, it can significantly interfere with eye examination, making it difficult to see the fundus. Generally, no treatment is required, although sometimes it may be necessary to perform a surgical intervention called a vitrectomy.


by Abdullah Sam
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