Arithmetic complement

Arithmetic complement is a concept that links a number , written in any positional numbering system , with the unit of the next higher order; in certain applications, it facilitates the execution of operations.


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  • 1 Definition
    • 1 In decimal numbering
    • 2 In ternary numbering
  • 2 uses
  • 3 Proposition
  • 4 Corollaries
    • 1 Idempotence
    • 2 Capicua result
  • 5 Sources
  • 6 Linked topics
  • 7 Notes and references
  • 8 External links


If the number N has m digits in the base system k its arithmetic complement in the base k is the difference 10 m – N.

In decimal numbering

If the number abc, base 10, has three digits, its arithmetic complement is 10 3 – abc.


In the case of abc it is 1000-abc; in practice c is subtracted from 10, then both b and a are subtracted from 9: (9-a) = e, (9-b) = f, (10-c) = g, then we juxtapose the differences, the complement is arithmetic = efg.


Let’s find the complement of 472, the differences from left to right are 5 and 7 of 9, and 7 of 10, the CA is 527

In ternary numbering

The digits in this base are 0, 1 and 2, so to find the complement of xyst, we obtain the differences: u = 2-x, v = 2-y, w = 2-s finally z = 3-t, the complement ternary is uvwz.


In the subtraction of two numbers. the difference NP = N + Complement of P – 10 n , where n is the number of digits.


  • If the numeral N, in any numbering system, has pdigits, its complement at most has p



The complement of the complement of K is the same K, in any numbering system.

Capicua result

Given abc its complement is capicúa [1] if ac = 1, for example is K = 283, 3-2 = 1, then CA of 283 is 717, base 10.

If the number K has n digits N = ab … kl, its complement is capicua if la = 1 and the symmetric elements are equal: b = k, c = j, etc.


  • “Arithmetic reasoned” by GM Bruño, edited by Editorial Bruño in Lima s / f
  • “A walk through number theory” by GN Berman, publication of the USSR editorial, Moscow 2007

Linked Topics

  • positional numbering system
  • ternary numbering system
  • Idempotence
  • Capicúa number


by Abdullah Sam
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