Analysis Deadly Premonition 2

The cult game Deadly Premonition returns from the hand of agent Aaliyah Davis and Simon Jones in their quest to uncover the mystery behind two cases that, although separate, share a common point. Will they discover the truth behind the cases investigated by Agent Francis York?


  • Deadly Premonition 2: Two separate cases united by the same mystery
  • The story of Deadly Premonition 2, how is the return of agent York?
  • Are the characters in Deadly Premonition 2 really deep or just extras?
  • How is the gameplay in Deadly Premonition 2?
  • How many hours is Deadly Premonition 2? Are side missions worth it?
  • What’s the best thing about Deadly Premonition 2?
  • What’s worst about Deadly Premonition 2?
  • In short, has Deadly Premonition 2 met the expectations of the fans?

Deadly Premonition 2: Two separate cases united by the same mystery

In his day, Special Agent York presented us with an adventure that, for many, left a bitter taste in their mouths while many other players considered him the protagonist of a cult game . Over the years, we have not only been able to see him return with different versions for current consoles, but he even reappears with a new adventure on his hands.

This is how Deadly Premonition 2 is presented , the great return of the special agent with a case that, in reality, happened years before we met him. A case that, in its day, upset his life in the most unexpected way since it was presented with a mystery that he believed solved, although years later, in his most decadent time, he will discover that nothing was as he thought he saw with his own eyes.

The story of Deadly Premonition 2, how is the return of agent York?

While it is true that Special Agent York already let us see in his first steps in the world of video games that he would not present himself as an ordinary detective , his return ensures the same chaos and fun in equal measure. Although, on this occasion, his story will have the most striking points since it will not be limited only to the case, but he will have to overcome a series of minigames with which he can fulfill his missions or even do some time for half.

Deadly premonition 2

This time, Agent York’s story will start a little differently than expected, and will instead be the subject of an investigation. Recalling two of her most complex cases that have a common element, agent Aaliyah Davis and her partner Simon Jones will try to discover the truth behind the case. Why do both mysteries have York as a common point and knowing the truth behind each of the events?

In this way we are presented with a story that, without a doubt, manages to hook us from the beginning. Especially because, almost from the first moment, we will have a story that will play with the paranormal elements and the peculiar humor of York . Or maybe, instead, we get a big surprise right out of the box. A nod that those who have played the previous titles will catch on the fly.

Are the characters in Deadly Premonition 2 really deep or just extras?

Of course, in its history some characters come across us who have been quite a pleasant surprise. Not only do we have our agent as the main protagonist of the action , but each of the characters that cross our path and whom we must investigate prove to have their own peculiar behaviors.

In addition, although it may not seem like it at first, either because of its image or, simply, reactions when confronted, little by little we are discovering some secrets in its history that will show that nothing is as simple as it seems . In fact, you will feel that on more than one occasion these characters will even be able to play with your own mind, a point that, within the thriller genre, is most interesting.

How is the gameplay in Deadly Premonition 2?

One of the points that most attracts the attention of the game is, possibly, its graphic section. This may not be one of the most favorable elements when facing the game , especially when, in some scenes, the expressions of the characters can be more shocking than the case we are investigating.

Deadly premonition 2

But, at the same time, it also keeps the odd surprise when it comes to the gameplay. Because who could imagine a special agent riding a skateboard to investigate a case ? This is one of the proposals and minigames that we will find in the game to which, on the other hand, bowling will be added. A minigame that, by the way, takes care of the details quite well when it comes to achieving the perfect shot.

And while it is true that the gameplay can be quite simple, it is also something positive in the sense that it is a good support for players who enjoy great stories. A game that rewards us for taking our time to investigate or confront some dangerous creatures in order to add money to our portfolio.

How many hours is Deadly Premonition 2? Are side missions worth it?

The game itself does not have long hours of content. In fact, if you are one of the players who are determined solely to focus on the story and overcome the fair missions, then you may be able to overcome the title in about 25 hours . Of course, this would mean that bowling or skateboarding around town is not your strong suit, or it just hasn’t caught your eye.

Regarding the secondary missions, we will have several proposals from the inhabitants that will lead us to have to investigate the city to know where to look and pass each test. But, in general, they are not missions that try to cause us to overcome puzzles, but, in fact, that is something that is missing in the gameplay. Perhaps that point of investigation that can encourage us to overcome greater challenges and not feel that York guides us exactly where he wants us to go.

Deadly premonition 2

Of course, what points in favor can these missions have? Money, although it may not seem like it at first, can go away quite quickly, especially if we want to take a little time to investigate or simply enjoy the delicacies of the place. Therefore, if you need some money, it is best to meet the needs of the inhabitants and help them with their problems.

What’s the best thing about Deadly Premonition 2?

In general, one of the most striking points of this game is, without a doubt, its history , that unique way with which the game manages to involve us so that we try to know a little more about the events and, above all, how it can come to get frustrated at specific times. But it is precisely that touch of mystery that manages to make us want to improve ourselves and, above all, that we have no intention of stopping until we discover the truth.

On the other hand, although it can be a bit heavy for some players, the minigames can be entertaining. Especially when we think that these can bring about obtaining objects that, later, can save our lives in the fights against the bosses. Therefore, if money is not very present in your protagonist’s pocket, it is best to take a moment to overcome the proposed challenges.

What’s worst about Deadly Premonition 2?

One of the points that possibly most displease players is the graphics. It is still shocking to see some playable dynamics that are reminiscent of the past generation . Or that, on some occasions, the playable mechanics may not really be a challenge, but rather that defeating the enemies can be something even simple.

On the other hand, perhaps a greater appearance of puzzles can be missed. After all, we are a detective trying to unravel a great case, so it’s no wonder we want a challenge when it comes to taking on this thriller. But, unfortunately, we do not find before us a game that is interested in proposing great challenges, but in following the steps marked by our character.

Deadly premonition 2

In short, has Deadly Premonition 2 met the expectations of the fans?

If you were waiting for the great return of Agent York in Deadly Premonition 2 to unveil the mysteries behind the great red tree then, as a whole, it will be a great title that you cannot miss. Without a doubt it is a piece that will encourage you to continue with its story and that will provide hours of fun. Of course, not highly recommended for those players who expect realistic graphics and who want the protagonist’s smile to look like something out of an advertisement. Although, as we have indicated, it will not be for players looking for the most realistic graphics.

Of course, it has certain points that make it an ideal game for those players who enjoy mystery focused on the supernatural point. And it is that, as it warns us from the beginning, the cases must be seen from different points of view, not only focusing on what seems to be clear only by what we see at first.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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