What Is Amphetamines Drug,And What Does It DO

The capacity of the amphetamines and drugs with similar properties to elevate the mood and induce a state of well-being is probably largely the basis for their previously widespread, but now decreasing, medial use as stimulants and slimming drugs.Since such therapy commonly in­volves continuous and prolonged ad­ministration, those taking drugs of this kind, for health reasons or otherwise, may develop varying degrees of psy­chological dependence on them.

The stimulation and euphoria induced by drugs of this type lead to their non­medical use, and the user may increase both the size of the dose and the fre­quency of administration in order to at­tain a continuing stimulation and state of elation.When this increasing use is carried to an extreme, the psychotoxic effects of large amounts of amphetamine-type drugs may lead to aggressive and dan­gerous anti-social behavior.Qualitatively, the psychological ef­fects are in many respects similar to those produced by cocaine.

It must be emphasized that the effects are dose-related. The occasional, or even the regular, consumption of rela­tively small doses taken by mouth pro­duces primarily a sense of decreased fa­tigue, enhanced alertness and wakeful­ness.A unique feature of the amphetamines type drugs is their capacity to induce tolerance, a quality possessed by only a few central nervous system stimulants.Although tolerance develops slowly when the amount taken is close to the usual therapeutic dosage, a progress;- increase eventually permits the taking of amounts several hundred times a* great as the original prescribed dose.

The Role of Amphetamines And Brain In Drug You Must Know

Although the amphetamines in induce little, if any, physical dependence, as measured by the criterion of charac­teristic physical withdrawal symptom, it would be inaccurate to state that withdrawal from very large dosages a symptomless.

The sudden stopping of a stimulant drug that has masked chronic fatigue the Convulsions and delirium do not usu­ally occur at the same time; generally, the person may have one or two convul­sions during the first 48 hours of with­drawal and then become psychotic dur­ing the second or third night.

With respect to the psychotic episo­des, paranoid reactions, reactions re­sembling schizophrenia with delusion and hallucinations, a withdrawn stupor­ous state and panic have all been ob­served.In a person with a substantial physical dependence on a drug of the barbitu­rate-type, unsupported withdrawal of the drug is a life-threatening process. Carefully supervised gradual with­drawal is therefore essential.



  • A variable, but sometimes intense, psychological dependence.
  • Little, if any, physical dependence and, consequently, no characteristic physical withdrawal symptoms, al­though withdrawal is followed by a state of mental and physical depres­sion.
  • The development of a considerable degree of tolerance to many effects, which is not, however, shared equally by all; nervousness and sleeplessness therefore persist and psychotoxic effects, such as halluci­nations and paranoid delusions, may occur.
by Abdullah Sam
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