Would you also ask the Samaritan for water as Jesus did?

Reflect with the biblical passage of the encounter of Jesus with the Samaritan woman

The evangelist John tells us the passage in which Jesus, meeting a Samaritan woman, makes a simple request: “Give me some water”. What could have developed as a simple dialogue, became an important lesson of Jesus Christ to the Samaritan and the people of that place, as well as to each one of us. The woman is astonished at Jesus’ request, because he, being a Jew, should not speak to her, who was a Samaritan. The biblical text also brings the observation: “because the Jews do not get along with the Samaritans”. And this dialogue between Jesus and the people of the Samaritan makes that, at the end of this passage, the people end up believing the one who is before them, saying to the Samaritan: “We no longer believe because of what you said. Now, we ourselves hear and know that this is, in fact, the Savior of the world ”(Jn 4:42).

Perhaps, due to this aversion of the time between Jews and Samaritans, in another passage (Gospel of Luke), Jesus uses the Samaritan as an example, in response to the expert of the law who asks him “who is my neighbor?”. And then the famous parable of the good Samaritan is told, a figure that represents an example of love for one’s neighbor, even greater than the priest and Levite demonstrated. In the end, Jesus recommends that the law expert “go and do the same”, where we must return and reflect on the original question asked to Jesus: “What should I do to inherit eternal life?” (Lk 10,25).

Reflect with the passages

In the two passages cited, what is perceived is the approach of Jesus Christ to people, whatever their beliefs or people. Lesson that, even today, two thousand and seventeen later, it is necessary to remember and stop to reflect on how many brothers we have moved away, we have stopped helping or even judging, why they follow a religion different from ours, even though they love and follow the same God . There are undoubtedly different thoughts, different interpretations of the different biblical passages and even the teachings of Jesus Christ. But there is a commandment, the most important of all, that sounds unanimous in all the hearts of the faithful: “to love God above all things and neighbor as yourself” (Mk 12: 28-31). If, at times, we act differently, how to answer the question asked by Jesus Christ: “If you love only those who love you, what reward will you get? ”(Mt 5.46).

It is time to get drunk on the example of the Holy Pope Francis, who with the greatest demonstration of love for his neighbor, has preached the union of all religions, the union of all peoples in search of peace. Elected Supreme Pontiff on March 13, 2013, in an interview with journalist Gerson Camar, shown on Rede Globo on July 28 of the same year, he already demonstrated his enlightened faith about the other religions with the words: “If there is a child who is hungry , who has no education, what should mobilize us is to stop being hungry and have an education. Whether that education will come from Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox or Jews, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they educate and satisfy their hunger. We have to agree on that. Today, the urgency is such that we cannot fight among ourselves at the expense of others’ suffering. First,

Read more:
.: How to listen to others with mercy?
.: What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?
.: How do you see the next
.: My relationship with God and the next

Follow Francisco’s example

In fact, Pope Francis demonstrates understanding and fidelity to the examples of Jesus Christ, with love for his neighbor, above any religion. He also fulfills his duty as Roman Pontiff to “cooperate with Bishops to foster relations between the Catholic Church and other Churches or ecclesial communities, and even with non-Christian religions”, with the support of the Pontifical Legacy, according to canon 364, 6th, of the Code of Canon Law. And if any doubts remain regarding the Holy Pope’s teaching of love, a video of Pope Francis with the title “The Pope’s Video – Interreligious Dialogue” is available on the internet, which brings a simple and profound message: “I believe in love ”, Due to the year of mercy (2016).

Let us be agents of this search for peace, let us be preachers of love, followers of the example of Jesus Christ and of our Holy Pope Francis. Let us be, in fact, Roman Apostolic Catholics, and we can also count on the lesson of Pope John Paul II, who in a message to the participants of the international meeting “Men and Religions” teaches us that: “Overcoming the countless incomprehensions that separate and oppose the men among themselves: this is the urgent task to which all religions are called! Sincere and lasting reconciliation is the way forward in order to bring about authentic peace, founded on respect and mutual understanding. To be a free craftsman of peace: this is the commitment of every believer ”


by Abdullah Sam
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