
Alliumphobia . It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of garlic .


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  • 1 Alliumphobia
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Treatment
  • 5 Sources


It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of garlic. In some legends about vampires , this phobia is attributed to these creatures.

Alliumphobia like so many other phobias, is a fear that appears in certain situations that we face in this case of garlic or the smell of garlic. This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want. The fears that manifest in this phobia can extend to a wide variety of plants characterized by their pungent odors, including onions , chives , shallots, and leeks.


Specialists state that alliumphobia probably has its origin in the person’s past, associated with some type of emotional trauma , where the garlic had been related either directly or indirectly. The frightened child of yesterday is the adult with a phobia in the present, and that is why the specialists are in charge of looking for the root of the trauma to face it in the best possible way.


As happens with other phobias, symptoms are those suffering from a person with a fear deep, where the lack of it includes air , increased respiration , attacks anxiety , irregular heartbeat of the heart , sweating , dizziness and nausea , the feeling of being crazy or losing control, as well as the presence of constant feelings of fear.


The best way to treat alliumphobia is to resort to a series of psychological therapies , where conversation and talking openly about the phobia can help the person first to realize the irrationality of the fear and second to face it, it is then when therapists can begin progressive exposure therapy. It should be noted that support groups and group sessions, where people with the same phobia attend, can be very beneficial for the person, since the idea that they are not alone and that many other people suffer from the same disease begins to take an active part .


by Abdullah Sam
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