All utilities from the F1 to F12 key

The F1, F2…F12 keys are quite mysterious. We have them in front of us whenever we use a keyboard, but we rarely use them much more than to refresh the screen with F5, and if we are a bit of a saucer, we can even use F2 or F8 to access the computer’s BIOS and perform some changes in system configuration.

All utilities from the F1 to F12 key


We see these keys constantly, but could you tell me what the F3 key is really for? Did you know that in some programs, if we press F10, the program shows us all the keyboard shortcuts graphically?

All utilities from the F1 to F12 key

Meaning and usefulness of all the “function” keys on the keyboard: from F1 to the F12 key

Next we are going to review the functions of all the Function keys (that’s right, that’s where they get their name from) on standard keyboards, one by one. Surely after reading this post you will find some interesting utility that you had not noticed…

F1 key

  • Opens the ” Help” window of the vast majority of programs.
  • Access to BIOS setup.
  • Windows Key + F1: Opens the Windows Help and Support Center.
  • Open the control panel.

F2 key

  • Renamesthe selected file or folder. It works with all versions of Windows.
  • If we press Alt + Ctrl + F2it opens the “Open document” window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F2opens the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Open the BIOS setup.

F3 key

  • Opens a search windowwhen we are on the Windows desktop or in the explorer.
  • In MS-DOS or Windows, if we press F3 it repeats the last command
  • Shift + F3in Microsoft Word changes the format of selected words from lowercase to all uppercase or only the first letter to uppercase. .
  • Windows Key + F3opens the advanced search window in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Opens the Mission Control window on Mac OS X.

F4 key

  • Opens the search windowin Windows 95/XP.
  • Opens the address barin both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer.
  • Repeats the last action performedin Microsoft Word (only valid from Word 2000 onwards).
  • Alt + F4closes the active window in Microsoft Windows.

F5 key

  • Refreshesor reloads the active page in any internet browser.
  • Opens the “ find and replace” window in Microsoft Word.
  • Start presentation mode in PowerPoint.

F6 key

  • Place the cursor in the address bar of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6allows you to move between different open Microsoft Word documents.
  • Decreases the speaker volume on some laptops.

F7 key

  • Performs spellingand grammar checking on Microsoft documents, such as Word, Outlook etc.
  • Shift + F7opens a side panel with synonyms and antonyms when selecting a word in Microsoft Word.
  • Change the cursor mode in Mozilla Firefox to “free scrolling cursor”.
  • Increases the sound volume on some laptops.

F8 key

  • Pressing F8 when booting the computer will enter the Windows boot menu, commonly used to boot the system in Safe Mode. If you want to access in safe mode in Windows 10 take a look HERE .
  • On some computers it is used to access the Windows system recovery system.
  • Shows a thumbnail image of all workspaces in Mac OS.

F9 key

  • Update the document in Microsoft Word.
  • Perform the “ Send and Receive” process in Outlook.
  • Opens the measurement bar in Quark 5.0.
  • Displays a thumbnail image of each window in a workspace in Mac OS 10.3 or later.
  • If we use the Fn and F9key at the same time, it opens Mission Control on Apple computers with Mac OS X.

F10 key

  • In Windows, in some applications it shows the keyboard shortcutsof the active program (for example in Word), and in others it marks the selected menu bar.
  • Shift + F10has the same function as a right mouse click when having a file or folder selected.
  • Access the hidden recovery partition on Compaq, HP, and Sony computers.
  • Access the BIOS setup menu (on some computers).
  • Increase brightness (on some laptops)
  • Shows all open windows of the same program (Mac OS 10.3 or later only).

F11 key

  • Used to enter or exit full screenmode . Valid for any browser.
  • If we press F11 or Ctrl + F11when booting the computer we can access the recovery partition of many Dell, eMachines, Gateway and Lenovo computers.
  • Minimizes all windows and shows the desktop (Mac OS 10.4 and later only).

F12 key

  • Open the “ Save As” window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F12opens a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F12performs the save action in a Word document, just like pressing Ctrl+S. Same same.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12performs the print document action in Microsoft Word.
  • Page preview in Microsoft Expression Web.
  • Open the debug tool in the browser.
  • Show or hide the dashboard on Mac OS 10.4 or later.
  • Accesses the boot menu and allows you to select the computer’s boot device (hard drive, USB, CD or DVD, etc.).

Finally, remember that if you want to get more out of your keyboard, you also have a lot of keyboard shortcuts for Windows that will help you increase your productivity.