Aida Cifuentes

Aida Cifuentes . Outstanding Guatemalan biologist and chemist.


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  • 1 Biographical synthesis
    • 1 Career path
  • 2 Awards and recognitions
  • 3 Sources

Biographical synthesis

Originally from Quetzaltenango , Guatemala . At just 8 years old, he was making perfumes flavored with flowers . Her early interest in research and her grandmother’s influence led her to become a professional with an outstanding career in investigative medicine.

She graduated in chemistry and biology from USAC in 1986 , specialized in comprehensive management of HIV / AIDS patients by UFM and in Blood Coagulation and Clinical Hematology, at the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital in Havana in Cuba .

Career path

In 1986 , her first invention was known, a method to determine the fetal age, a procedure to eliminate doubts about the age of the fetus, and to proceed when giving birth or not, in case the mother was in a serious situation. A sample of the amniotic fluid was obtained with a needle , and an analysis of the concentration of tissue thromboplastins was carried out in the laboratory, thus determining the exact age of the baby. For 5 years this method was used in Social Security, until it was replaced by ultrasound in the third dimension.

Undoubtedly one of its most important inventions is Estrogen-Aid, a product created for women in the menopause period, when physical conditions vary, they lose energy, spirit, joy and all their activities are affected. A patient with these characteristics requires hormonal compensation that is not of animal or synthetic origin because they generate many side effects. The investigations successfully culminated with Estrogen-Aid, a facial and vaginal cream. She has been an assistant professor at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala and at the Francisco Marroquín University,

Awards and honours

She has been awarded the Dolores Bedoya de Molina National Award for Outstanding Women of the Year, awarded by the Ministry of the Interior, a Distinguished Professional medal from the College of Pharmacists and Chemists of Guatemala, the national award for innovations for Human Development Ideass, by the vice-president of Guatemala, in addition to other distinctions.


by Abdullah Sam
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