Adenoviruses in pigeons

Adenoviruses in pigeons . Viral disease, produced by medium-sized, non-enveloped DNA-viruses in pigeons.


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  • 1 Emergence
  • 2Agente causal
  • 3Transferencia
  • 4 Symptoms
    • 1 Diagnosis of the disease
    • 2 First stage symptoms
    • 3 End stage symptoms
    • 4 Prevention
  • 5 When it shows up
  • 6 Diagnosis of the disease
  • 7 Indications for treatment
    • 1 The healing of pigeons is additionally supported by:
  • 8 Fountains


Type-I, in the mid-70s of the last century in Flanders ( Belgium ). In infections of young pigeons. Antibiotic treatments were relatively effective. The type-II, in the early 90’s also in Belgium . Infecting pigeons of all ages and without the use of antibiotics giving positive therapeutic results.

In pigeons it does not usually have an important relevance in infectious processes, except in two cases (eg necrotic hepatitis due to inclusion bodies) and generally, even more so in young birds , its development is due to a previous depression of the pigeons’ immune system. , either due to stress , poor hygiene or the presence of other pathogens, due to which it is very common to find it as part of joint infections. In pigeons, 2 types have been described: o Type-I or classic adenovirus. (co-infection between adenovirus and bacteria or protozoa ) or Type-II.

Causal agent

Through the ingestion of food or water contaminated by feces of infected pigeons, or by inhalation of the virus.


Generally, after infection (as in most pigeon diseases) some individuals become latent carriers of the virus and will continue to transmit it intermittently in small numbers, which will be the focus of future outbreaks.


Little desire to fly and low performance, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and intestine, mucous excrements ( yellow – green color ), vomiting of the animal after ingestion of food and water due to the inflamed and modified mucous membrane of the crop (crop swollen), thinning. All of the above symptoms can occur together within 24 hours. Only in special cases do sick pigeons survive without treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since in many cases the infection occurs without symptoms and with few manifestations, only a suspected diagnosis can be made. This can be ensured by microscopic identification of the “inclusion bodies” (EK) in the nuclei of the affected cells of the liver and infected mucous membranes. Inclusion bodies (EK) are products of this virus, due to its proliferation.

First stage symptoms

In the early stages of the disease, you can only observe the symptoms by paying close attention every day to your bird’s habits and behaviors. Birds drink more water than usual and have brighter green color and more moist droppings than normal. The birds then stop eating, appear lethargic and have significant weight loss. May spend much of its time sitting on the ground or perching with fluffed up feathers . When released to fly, they cannot fly, but they stay on their perch. Birds have the best chance of survival if supportive care is given early in the disease. Supportive care may include fluid administrationand move the bird to a small heated hospital cage or incubator.

  • Type I: Especially in young pigeons, the manifestation of symptoms is rapid, observing for example: anorexiaand poor general condition, excess water or inflammation in the crop, vomiting and watery diarrhea with urine presenting a discoloration between green and yellow, probably caused by liver damage .

There are cases where there are no obvious signs of disease.

  • Type-II: Presents few symptoms of development, casually vomiting and yellowish diarrhea. Autopsy usually reveals different degrees of hepatic necrosis.

End stage symptoms

Both types can be fatal, with or without obvious symptoms of disease.

  • Type-I, there are not always cases of mortality after the appearance of the first symptoms. When mortality is confirmed, there is usually a peak around the 3rd or 4th day, which ends up stopping around the 5th day. Although sometimes it can continue from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Type-II, is much more deadly and lethal, and may even present as a sudden death without obvious symptoms. In symptomatic cases, death usually occurs within 2 days. Either way, it will end up affecting a high percentage of pigeons.


Prevention, valid at the same time for other diseases, can be carried out on different open fronts. A healthy breeding loft with healthy parents. Through the porridge or crop milk, the parents pass a large amount of antibodies to the chicks (in the same way that the female mammals through the milkmaternal) that will be very useful to the little ones, that is why it is essential to wean the chicks as late as possible, when they can feed perfectly by themselves. Parents in good health and with a well-developed immune system transmit more and better antibodies through their food. And in turn, they are not a source of transmission of pathogens for their own chicks.

Once the pigeons are weaned, they must go to a loft exclusively for pigeons of their age, avoiding contact with other adults and also overcrowding, without exceeding 3 pigeons × m3 of loftand with grids on the floor, to separate them from the faeces. Promoting unfavorable conditions for the spread of pathogens in the body of pigeons, thus reducing the chances of suffering from a mixed infection: Acidifying the intestine through the use of organic acids such as apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Many microorganisms , pathogenic and non-pathogenic, develop more comfortably in basic conditions, also called alkaline .(not acid).

Although the benign bacteria are also reduced, they will be restored more comfortably than the harmful ones, since the immune system does not bother them, competition decreases and also thanks to the next point. Using probiotics, such as yogurts or other natural and commercial products that contain lactobacilli,since they help create authentic “living protective barriers” in the walls of the intestine. And that in turn, due to vital processes in which they excrete lactic acid, help to acidify the intestinal pH. We must add here that not all Veterinarians advise the use of yogurts. By vaccinating against paramyxovirosis at 6 weeks of age, we also help stimulate the immune system by not overcrowding the transport baskets. And letting them rest 30 minutes before releasing. Well disinfected drinking fountains, for example with bleach . Quarantine for all new pigeons that arrive at our loft.

when it shows up

Type-I: Mainly young pigeons. This is because at a young age, the immune system is not fully developed. In addition, the stress that the pigeon may undergo (caused by premature weaning before it can fend for itself, change of loft, training, overcrowding, basketing, etc.) can help further undermine the immune response . As a whole, it creates the ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and protozoa within the organism of the young pigeons, giving rise to joint infections with colibacilli. Type-II: Pigeons of all ages, but mostly adults. It is the one that causes the most casualties.

Diagnosis of the disease

Because it is commonly mixed infections with other pathogens, tests and cultures are not the most effective methods for a clear diagnosis. Instead, an autopsy or necropsy reveals the most obvious traces of the disease, recognizable in damage to the liver , kidneys , pancreas , and small intestine . Through the study of tissues through an electron microscope, the characteristic imprints created by the viral particles may not be observed.

Indications for treatment

Today, there are no really effective treatments or vaccines against the disease. The existing ones are more focused on the prevention of infection than on its treatment. During the first type-I outbreak, in 1976, the use of antibiotics showed relative effectiveness, perhaps due (in my personal opinion, not based on studies conducted at the time) to the fact that they were mixed infections between adenovirus and other pathogens, where the antibiotics fought the latter, giving the immune system an opportunity to control the virus in some of the cases. Regarding type-II, the use of antimicrobials in 1992was useless, surely due (again, it is my personal opinion) to the fact that in this case it was probably a strictly viral process, a more pathogenic or aggressive type of strain, or even due to the severity of the disease and therefore antimicrobials did not help.

The healing of pigeons is additionally supported by:

  • The stimulation or reinforcement of the defenses with livimun®.
  • Comprehensive nutrition for the improvement of the condition.
  • Maintenance with multivitamin EB12.
  • Strict hygiene (elimination of fecal remains).
  • Control of maintenance conditions.


by Abdullah Sam
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