Acne Around the Mouth Makes It Uncomfortable, This is the Cause

Acne is a skin problem that is a problem for a million people. This condition occurs when skin pores become clogged due to oil or sebum and dead skin cells. Sometimes, pimples can also appear around the mouth so that it makes you feel uncomfortable . What are the causes of acne around the mouth?

Acne around the mouth, what causes it?

Pimples around the mouth are at risk if the skin in that area is frequently exposed to objects, is often touched, or is irritated. Here are some factors that cause itacne in the mouth area:

1. Helmet strap

A helmet strap that is attached to the chin can easily clog pores around the mouth and cause acne. To anticipate this, glue the helmet strap but not so tight. You also need to clean this area gently after riding with a helmet.

2. Lip balm

Oily lip balms can clog the pores of the skin around the mouth

If you regularly use

lip balm and often struggle with pimples around your mouth, the products you use could be the culprit. Lip balms that are too oily can spread to the surrounding skin and clog pores. The fragrances in your lip care products can also irritate the skin around your mouth.

3. Cell phone

Any object that comes in contact with the skin on the face can cause pimples due to clogged pores. One of the most common causes of acne around the mouth is a cell phone – which is often placed on the cheeks, chin and mouth when you call.

4. Shaving cream

Men who regularly shave are at risk of developing pimples around the mouth. The reason is, the use of shaving creams and oils can clog pores or irritate the skin. This condition can trigger pimples around the mouth.

5. Hormones

The hormones in the androgen hormone group can stimulate production excess sebum- thus clogging pores and causing acne. Even so, the causal relationship between hormones and acne still needs to be studied further.

The difference between pimples around the mouth and other similar skin conditions

Sometimes, the bumps you think are pimples around the mouth are not “just pimples”. The following two skin problems are similar to acne but still have different characteristics:

·         Herpes simplex type 1

Blisters around the mouth are different from pimples

Herpes simplex type 1Oral herpes, or better known as oral herpes, can cause blisters on the skin that feels sore around the mouth. However, unlike acne, oral herpes causes symptoms of blisters that are filled with fluid and are painful to the touch. These blisters can also cause a burning sensation and cause itching.

·         Perioral dermatitis

Other skin problems that cause acne-like symptoms around the mouth are perioral dermatitis. Perioral dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin around the mouth that causes symptoms in the form of a rash.

The rash from perioral dermatitis looks scaly, reddish, and raised – so it’s often mistaken for acne. However, in perioral dermatitis, the rash usually causes itching and burning sensations and a clear discharge.

Handling of pimples around the mouth

In general, acne around the mouth can be treated with ingredients and drugs that we usually use to treat acne in other areas. Some ingredients to treat acne around the mouth, namely:

  • Over-the-counter acne creams, cleansers, and gels. You can look for ingredients that contain benzoyl peroxide orsalicylic acid.
  • A doctor’s cream containing a stronger dose of retinoic acid or benzoyl peroxide
  • Drink or topical antibiotics that are only obtained from doctors
  • Special contraceptive pills from a doctor
  • Isotretinoin which can only be obtained from doctors
  • Light therapy and chemical peels performed by doctors

Tips to prevent acne around the mouth

Acne around the mouth can be prevented with the following easy tips:

  • Clean your face twice a day with a gentle or mild cleanser
  • Make sure the cosmetic products you use have the label “non-comedogenic”
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
  • Avoid picking pimples
  • Shower after exercise.
  • Avoid excess lip balm application and make sure the product does not spread to the skin around the lips and mouth
  • Keep oily hair products away from your face
  • Use skin care products that are labeled non-comedogenic and oil-free
  • Routinely clean pillowcases and mattress sheets
  • Clean mouth with tissue after eating


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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