A student creates an app that translates sign language

A young girl, seeing that things were becoming increasingly difficult for her sister because she could not speak, decided to create an application that translates sign language , thus offering a different perspective and with the idea that people be aware that having problems speaking does not mean having problems thinking or reasoning.

Estrella Salazar develops the application Manos con voz

On this occasion we have very interesting news that is the concern of a young woman for the future of her sister, which has led her to create a very simple application whose objective is to translate sign language or sign language.

In this way, this app would be in charge of translating the language into text or voice, so that it is perfectly understandable by those who do not master sign language.

Star Salazar

The name of this tool is Manos con voz, and basically it is a sign translator, an original idea that we are convinced will have a great future.

It should be noted that this tool is not yet fully developed, since it involves quite significant work, but Salazar hopes that it will be available throughout this year 2022, and in this way it can begin to be used by the general public.

In addition to finalizing the development, it must be taken into account that the application has to be tested, which requires additional time, but the moment it is released to the public , it is very important that the people who start using it have patience with the first errors that can be presented, since it is evident that things do not work the same inside the laboratory as once they are started.

However, the objective will be to detect all these errors or inaccuracies with the aim of perfecting it, with the intention that in a short time, it can offer maximum reliability and fluid communication with anyone who has speech and language problems. learn sign language.

It is not yet known how long it will take for the final application to come out, so it is important to support this idea so that, sooner or later, the application can be used by the greatest number of people throughout the world.

A tool to help his sister

Estrella Salazar decided to develop this project when she observed that her little sister’s communication problems were turning into a serious wall that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

People did not take her seriously enough, and this made Estrella think that, over time, her sister would not be able to develop her life as she would like , not only in her private sphere, but also at work.

For this reason, his idea was to create a simple tool that would serve as a pillar of support for those people who have problems speaking and expressing themselves, thus facilitating communication with those who do not know sign language and ending in this way with the discrimination that exists towards people who have problems hearing and/or speaking.

In short, the objective is to be able to help millions of people who, every day, have to face numerous difficulties in order to get ahead, and all this for a simple problem that in the 21st century is still considered as something that makes it impossible the person, but thanks to young people like Estrella, soon all this will be in the past.