How to report inappropriate Tweets

Using twitter is very simple, as well as using Twitter Lite as an official App for Windows, which gives us an idea of ​​its versatility. In addition, twitter can and does publish and schedule Tweets using the TweetDeck tool , all thanks to its open content policy , which makes the social platform a receptacle for the public that expresses and lives freely.

So much so, that many who had wanted and programmed their tweets, to share them on Facebook , have taken a radical turn and now choose to unlink their Twitter account from Facebook . Well, they see on Twitter a space where content is respected and allowed more openly than on other social platforms where it is very limited.

But this open twitter policy does not rub shoulders with allowing human abuses and excesses, since for this company, such a policy is reprehensible and unacceptable, as is anything that threatens human and general dignity . Therefore, it makes it easier to report or denounce inappropriate publications. How to do it is very simple, and we are going to show you.

Why does Twitter allow content that other platforms don’t?

Twitter policies are firm and royal regarding the publication that violates human dignity, material of a violent, deplorable, and hateful nature, and for this it offers easy measures to report or denounce inappropriate publications or people on Twitter. However, pointing out and prosecuting a person or account for its content can be seen as a censorship or attack on their freedom of expression.

What for Twitter, will be a violation of its respect policies , but now the dilemma becomes between what is allowed and what is not, and the possibility of giving it a brake through a report or denunciation of inappropriate publications or people in Twitter Without this being a statement or hunting the individual, based on their tastes and tendencies.

So it is very difficult for Twitter to choose between right or wrong, so it appeals to the Internet user for help , giving them the possibility to report or denounce inappropriate posts or people on Twitter, in a simple and effective way, which makes Twitter eliminate the content immediately or start a serious investigation on the subject, and even both in unison.

How to report or report inappropriate posts or people on Twitter?

Twitter, based on its user protection policy, offers its support and confidentiality to make any report , in cases when it is considered that what is shown violates the rules of coexistence, or threatens dignity, security or related elements. To do this, the following must be done:

To do it on a Tweet

  • It refers to the tweet that you want to report , entering first in the personal account
  • You must click on the icon to display options , which is symbolized as a falling arrow
  • The option to ” report ” is chosen
  • The reason is chosen, which would in any case be ” abusive or harmful “
  • Once this is done, twitter will request your help, since it will initiate a strong investigation , asking for details, requesting that more information be provided about what is known and others
  • Once the entire help process for twitter is complete, the complaint can be sent . And the company will show some recommendations, in order to improve the Internet user experience, in its interface

To do it on an account or person

  • Having entered the user’s personal account. It goes to the account or person you want to report , for inappropriate posts
  • Press on the iconography of the three points going down . What is the “additional content” section
  • The option to report is chosen
  • It is denoted by the section marked ” harmful or abusive “
  • Now twitter is going to request help and details , which will be of great value for the exhaustive investigation that is going to initiate against that person, for inappropriate content
  • After all the process of details regarding the criteria that the complainant has, it only remains to send the complaint


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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