33 Git questions in the job interview

Git simplifies the process of working with other people and makes it easy to collaborate on complex projects. Team members can work on files and easily incorporate their changes into the main branch of the project. This way, several people can work on the same files at the same time.

Since professional version control systems have become indispensable in large companies, you should definitely learn Git for your next job interview as a software developer .

Below are 33 questions (+ answers) about Git that are frequently asked in job interviews.

Table of Contents

1) What is Git?

Git is a decentralized version control and source code management system (SCM) with the focus on handling small and large projects quickly and efficiently in teams.

2) What is a repository in Git?

When we talk about a repository, we generally mean a central location where data is stored and maintained. A repository contains a directory called .git, which is where Git stores all of the relevant metadata for the repository.

3) What is the command you can use to write a commit message?

The command used to write a commit message is ” git commit -a “. The -a option tells Git to transfer the new contents of any tracked files that have changed. Alternatively, you can use ” git add <filename> ” when new files need to be transferred for the first time.

4) What are the advantages of Git?

  1. Data redundancy and replication
  2. Decentralized work
  3. High availability
  4. Only one .git directory per repository
  5. Smooth collaboration in developer teams
  6. Any type of project can be used with Git (not just software projects)

5) What is the function of “git push”?

With the command “git push” you transfer the files of the last commits of your local repository to a remote repository.

6) What is the function of “git pull”?

With the command “git pull” you load the files of the last commits from a specified remote repository into your local repository.

7) What is “Staging Area” or “Index” in Git?

Before commits are complete, it can be formatted and inspected in an intermediate area called the ‘staging area’ or ‘index’.

8) What does the “git clone” command do?

The git clone command creates a copy of an existing Git repository. To get a copy of a remote repository, “cloning” is the most common method used in practice.

9) What is the function of ‘git config’?

With the ‘git config’ command you can view and change all configurations of Git. Here you can make changes to the user, general settings or even color settings for Git Bash. If you type in git config, you will find all the available options that can be set with it.

10) How can you create a repository in Git?

Create a directory for the project (e.g. on the desktop), e.g. “MyProject”. In order to create a repository from it, you have to create it with the command “git init”. When you run this command, a .git directory will be created in the project directory.

11) What is the HEAD in Git and how many HEAD’s can be created in a repository?

The HEAD is a simple reference to a commit object. In every repository there is a standard HEAD called the “master”. A repository can contain any number of heads.

What are branches used for in Git?

The purpose of branches is that you can create your own branch and jump back and forth between them. This allows you to go to your previous work and leave your current work intact.

12) How can you merge a new feature into the master branch?

To merge a new feature with the master branch, you can use the “git merge” command.

13) What is a Git Conflict?

A ‘conflict’ arises when the new commit to be merged has a change in one place and the current commit also has a change in the same place. Git then does not know which commit is “correct” or has priority. There is a “conflict” between two or more files.

14) How can conflicts be resolved in Git?

To resolve the conflict in git, edit the files to fix the conflicting changes and then add the resolved files by running “git add”. To then commit the “repaired” merge, start “git commit”. After that, the conflict should be resolved

15) Which command can you use to delete a branch, e.g. if it is no longer needed after a merge?

Once your feature branch has been merged with the master branch, you usually don’t need it anymore. To delete a branch, use the command ” git branch -d <branch name> “.

16) What’s another option for merging in Git?

“Rebasing” is an alternative to merging in Git.

17) What is the syntax for “rebasing” in Git?

The syntax for “rebase” is git rebase <new commit>

18) What is the difference between ‘git remote’ and ‘git clone’?

‘git remote add’ creates an entry in your Git configuration that gives a name for a specific remote URL. Meanwhile, ‘git clone’ creates a new Git repository by copying an existing repository located at the given url.

19) What is Git version control?

With the help of version control you can track the history of files. You can also revert these files to any version of the snapshots you created. Each version takes a snapshot of the file system at a specific point in time. A collection of files and their complete history are stored in a repository.

20) In which language was Git programmed?

Git was programmed in C. This makes it very quick and efficient.

21) Mention some popular graphical Git clients in Linux GIT clients for LINUX?

  • Git Cola
  • Git-g
  • Git GUI
  • qGit

22) What is the ‘git diff’ command used for?

‘git diff’ shows the changes between commits and the working directory.

23) What is ‘git status’ used for?

The ‘git status’ shows you the difference between the working directory and the index.

24) What is the difference between ‘git diff’ and ‘git status’?

‘git diff’ is similar to ‘git status’.

However, it also shows the differences between different commits and also between the working directory and the index.

25) What is the function of ‘git checkout’ in git?

The ‘git checkout’ command is used to switch to different branches without making a commit and without having to merge the branches.

26) What is the function of ‘git rm’?

You use ‘git rm’ to delete the file from the staging area and also from your hard drive.

27) What is the function of ‘git stash apply’?

If you want to continue working where you left off, the ‘git stash apply’ command is used. This brings the saved changes back to the working directory.

28) What is the use of ‘git log’?

You use git log to find specific commits in your project history. The command provides information such as author, date, commit content and much more. out.

29) What is ‘git add’ used for?

‘git add’ adds file changes in your existing directory to your index (staging area).

30) What is the function of ‘Git Reset’?

The function of ‘git reset’ is to reset both your index and the working directory to the state of your last commit.

31) What is a commit message?

A commit message is a feature of Git that appears when you commit a change. Git opens a text editor for this, in which you can enter the changes that you have made in commits. Commit messages should be as specific as possible and contain all changes so that other developers can get a quick overview of the commit.

32) How can I undo a bad commit message?

To change an erroneous commit message, use the “git commit-amend” command. If you run this command, you can correct the incorrect commit message in the editor or rewrite it.

33) Name a few Git repository providers

  • GitHub
  • org
  • Visual Studio Online
  • GitEnterprise


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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