2021: Is It Good To Expect Too Much From This Year

Every year, with the coming and going of the year, we ask ourselves what we want to change in our lives for the next 365 days. We elaborate a series of purposes that, we hope, result in our personal well-being. However, in this 2020 pandemic it seems that the projection of our hopes for the future has been reduced to the immediate: to the efficacy of the vaccine and the release of the restrictions imposed in this regard, starting with the mask.

What happen? We do not have expectations of the new year, realistic or not? According to the psychologist Pilar Conde, what happens is that with the outbreak of the virus we feel that we have lost control and live under the false illusion, in some cases, of what to do this or that, such as losing weight, quitting smoking or playing sports do a master, start a project is not in our power. Thus, society as a group seems to have risen above the individual in terms of purposes, right now focused on stopping Covid-19, to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Even so, the decision to continue with our usual New Year’s resolutions must continue regardless of whether the evolution of the pandemic is not as expected or as fast towards its end as we hope. The uncertainty, according to the expert, allows us to imagine different scenarios and the appropriate thing to continue is to look for the most realistic one. It is not bad to be optimistic, says the professional, since thinking and projecting ourselves positively towards the future encourages our imagination and motivation. Furthermore, it induces us towards action, towards movement. What must be avoided is irrational optimism , the thought that everything will go well, that difficulties will solve themselves and that, therefore, security measures can now be relaxed.

Beware of stress (and euphoria)

Two other factors to take into account to work socially and psychologically with due foresight are accumulated stress and excessive euphoria .

In the first case, it is known that when someone has been subjected to a stressful situation, either specific or prolonged in time, the effects can appear after days, weeks and even months. Many people who have lost loved ones, been ill, or lived alone in confinement may now experience sadness, anxiety, or depression.

Euphoria is also not good if the virus is not under complete control. We should, the expert advances, think and propose safe leisure alternatives for young people and adolescents, who most need spaces of freedom, in order to prevent uncontrolled infections, and avoid the risks of clandestine parties.

Adaptation to survive

Finally, 2021 may be the most anticipated year. With a general need for relief and happiness, therefore, perhaps it is also where our expectations may be more unreal or false than ever. To fight against disappointment , Clinicas Origen leave us these tips:

  1. Think about what we would like to do this year if Covid-19 were not there and then adapt it to our reality.
  2. Allow us to make quick decisions and spontaneous plans
  3. Avoid medium and long-term plans that can be frustrated by changes in measurement and that can generate uncertainty until the date arrives.
  4. Focus on what we do have, what we can do, what we can feel, what we can share.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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